Creating Links to HTML5 Topics

You can create links to specific topics in HTML5 output. You can also create links that incorporate search strings and skin references.

How to Create Links to HTML5 Topics

  1. Perform the steps for creating one of the following kinds of links:
  2. In the dialog that opens for creating the link, click the Link to field and select Website.
  3. Enter the path to the website. You can also include a specific topic, a search string, and/or skin. When inserting the link, you can use the following structure.

    http://[website]/[main entry file].htm#[path/name of topic]&searchQuery=[search string]&firstPick=true&skinName=[skin name]

    After the hash mark (#), you can specify any combination of the parameters (cshid, searchQuery, firstPick, skinName), separated by ampersands (&). The order of the parameters does not matter:

    • Main entry file Provide the path to the main entry file for your output. The file name is determined by whatever you enter into the Output File field in the General tab of the Target Editor. If you do not provide a name in this field, the name "Default" will be used.
    • searchQuery This is an optional element that automatically performs a search for a specific string.
    • firstPick This element can be used in conjunction with the search string. If you include the first pick option, the first topic found with the specified search string will be opened automatically. If you do not include this element, the search results will simply be displayed; the first topic will not be opened automatically.
    • skinName You can specify a skin directly in the link, which will override the skin associated with that topic in the CSH alias file.


<a href="">Click here to open</a>

Examples In the following examples, these values are used:

  • Default.htm = main entry file name
  • Soccer.htm = topic in the project, located in subfolder called "Sports"
  • World Cup Standings = search term
  • Green = skin name
<a href="">Click here to open</a>
<a href=" Cup Standings&firstPick=true">Click here to open</a>
<a href="">Click here to open</a>

Note You can complete similar URL link steps with context-sensitive Help (CSH) identifiers. See CSH Calls for HTML5 Output.