Inserting Mimic Movie Links in TOCs

If you have used Mimic to produce a movie, you can use this feature to create a link in a table of contents entry to the movie's output.

How to Insert a Movie Link Into a TOC

  1. Open the TOC where you want to insert the movie link.
  2. In the TOC Editor, double-click the TOC entry that you want to link to the movie. The Properties dialog opens.

    See Creating a TOC.

  3. Select the General tab.
  4. Select Mimic Movie or Movie Collection as. The Open dialog opens.
  5. Find and select an individual Mimic movie or a movie collection to which you want to link the entry. You can select any of the following types of files.
    • MIMOV This is an individual Mimic movie file (whether part of a collection or standalone). When you want to work on an individual movie, you open this file.
    • MIPRJ This is the main Mimic collection file, which contains one or more movie (MIMOV) files. It is not required that you create a collection in Mimic; it is simply an option that you can use if you want to create a movie collection, as opposed to a standalone movie. Neither the MIPRJ nor the MIMOV files are finalized movies. They are merely the files that are used to generate the finalized movies. When you want to work on a movie collection, you open the MIPRJ file.
    • MCMOVIE This is an output file that is created when you generate a movie (whether the movie is part of a collection or standalone). A Mimic collection can contain several movies. When you generate the finalized movies in Mimic, an MCMOVIE file is created for each movie in the collection (e.g., myfirstmovie.mcmovie, mysecondmovie.mcmovie). The output plays in the MadCap Movie Viewer.
    • MCMV This is an optional output file that lets you view the movie(s) in the MadCap Movie Viewer, rather than in a browser window.
    • MCMOVIESYS This is an output file that is created when you generate a movie collection. The file is named after your collection (e.g., mycollection.mcmoviesys) and can be used as an entry point to view the movie collection. The output plays in the MadCap Movie Viewer.
  6. Click Open.
  7. (Optional) You can click in the drop-down field to the right and specify an output format.

    If You Have Mimic 8 or Newer

    • (default) If you build a Microsoft HTML Help, WebHelp, HTML5, or WebHelp Plus target, the movie uses the HTML5 movie format.

    • HTML5 The movie is generated in the HTML5 movie format.

    If You Have Mimic 7 or Older

    • (default) The most appropriate movie format is used, based on the Flare output type that you generate. If you build a Microsoft HTML Help, WebHelp, HTML5, or WebHelp Plus target, the movie uses the HTML5 movie format. If you want to override these settings, select one of the specific movie types below.
    • MadCap Movie Player The movie is generated in MMF and displays in the MadCap Movie Viewer.
    • Adobe Flash The movie is generated in a Flash SWF file.
    • Microsoft Silverlight The movie is generated in the Microsoft Silverlight format.
    • HTML5 The movie is generated in the HTML5 movie format.
  8. Click OK in the Properties dialog. The movie link is added to the TOC entry.
  9. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

Note You do not need to add the Mimic movie files to your Flare project. When you generate the target(s) in Flare, the movie output file(s) will automatically be copied to the target output file or folder.

Note For more information, see Multimedia File Types Supported.