End User Search Features

The table below summarizes the key search features and capabilities for each output type. With HTML5 and WebHelp outputs, you can distribute either client- or server-based outputs. This is why the table below lists them twice—under client- and server-based output.


HTML5 (Client)

HTML5 (Server)


Glossary Search (Find Matching Terms)

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Index Search (Find Matching Terms)

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Predictive Search

See Setting Up a Search Engine.

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

X icon

Search Favorites (Save Queries to Favorites List)

X icon

X icon

X icon

Search Query (Asterisk (*) Wildcard Character)

X icon

X icon

Checkmark icon

Search Query (Boolean Operators)

See Search Methods and Syntax.

Checkmark icon

X icon

Checkmark icon with a superscript 1 to reference the footnote.

Search Query (Full-text Search—not case sensitive)

See Search Methods and Syntax.

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Search Query (Enclose Terms in Quotes)

See Search Methods and Syntax.

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Search Results (Narrow Search Scope Using Search Filter Sets)

See Search Filter Set Example.

Checkmark icon with a superscript 2 to reference the footnote.

Checkmark icon

X icon

Search Results (Results Listed in Ranked Order and Show Rank Number)

See Optimizing Search.

Checkmark icon with a superscript 3 to reference the footnote.

Checkmark icon with a superscript 3 to reference the footnote.

Checkmark icon with a superscript 3 to reference the footnote.

Search Results (Search Hits Highlighted in Topics)

See Search Highlighting.

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Checkmark icon

Search Results (Search Hits Bolded)

Checkmark icon

X icon

X icon

1Select the operator from the built-in list. See Searching a Microsoft HTML Help System.

2Search filters are not supported in Elasticsearch.

3Results are listed in order. Rank number is not visible.