Creating Synonyms

Creating Synonyms to Enhance Search Results

Following are steps for creating synonyms.

How to Create Synonyms

  1. Do one of the following to add or open a synonym file:
  2. To Add a Synonym File

    1. If you have not done so already, add a synonym file to the project. Start by selecting Project > New > Advanced > Synonym File (if using ribbon view) or Project > Advanced > Synonym File (if using menu view).
    2. Enter a name for the synonym file and click Add.
  3. To Open a Synonym File

    1. Open the Project Organizer.
    2. Double-click the Advanced folder.
    3. Double-click the synonym file.
  4. In the Synonyms Editor, you can create directional synonyms or synonym groups for single words.

    Note The synonyms feature supports the use of single words only. You cannot use phrases with the synonyms feature. For example, you cannot create a synonym named "tool bar" for the word "toolbar." An example of a valid use of the synonyms feature would be to add the synonym "hound" for the word "dog" or "kitty" for the word "cat."

    Synonym Group

    Synonym Group

    This is a collection of synonyms that produces the same search results for all of the words in the group. It is a useful method if you have multiple terms in your project that are similar, and you want the same search results to be returned when users enter any of those phrases. In the Synonyms Editor, you enter the terms with an equal sign between each one (Synonym1=Synonym2=Synonym3). When users enter any of those terms in future searches, all topics containing any of those words are found.

    Example You have written some content about sports, and many of your topics include the words "sports," "athletics," or "games." If a user enters the word "athletics" as the search term, it will return not only topics containing that word, but also topics containing the words "sports" or "games" (even if "athletics" does not occur in those other topics).

    To Create a Synonym Group

    1. Select the Groups tab.
    2. Click in the empty Group cell and press F2 on your keyboard.
    3. Type the words that you want to include in the group, with an equal sign between each (e.g., sports=athletics=games). Press ENTER when you are finished.
    4. (Optional) Click in the Stem check box if you want Flare to find other variations of the synonyms that have the same stems.example.

      Example You enter "hike=walk" in the Group cell. Then you select the Stem check box. In the future, if users search for the word "hike," it will find all topics containing the words "hike" or "walk." However, it will also find topics containing words that have the same stem as those terms, such as "hiked," "hiking," or "walking."

    Directional Synonym

    Directional Synonym

    This is a synonym that works in one direction (Word—>Synonym). It is a useful method if readers enter a search term that is not contained in your project, but you have a similar word that is contained in the project. It works like this… In the Synonyms Editor, you enter the word that is not producing search results (because it is not contained in your project content). Next to it, you enter a synonym—a word that will produce search results (because it is contained in your project content). When users enter the original word again in future searches, topics containing the synonym are found.

    Example You use Central Analytics to view search keyword results from your users and find that many are entering the search term "sofa." Unfortunately, you have not used that word in your project, so users are unable to find the topics that they need. However, you have used a similar word, "couch." Therefore, in the Synonyms Editor, you enter "couch" as a synonym for "sofa." The next time a reader enters "sofa" as a search keyword, topics containing the word "couch" will be returned in the results.

    How to Create a Directional Synonym

    1. Select the Directional tab.
    2. Click in the empty Word cell and press F2 on your keyboard.
    3. Type the phrase that does not produce search results (e.g., sofa). Press ENTER.
    4. Click in the empty Synonym cell and press F2 on your keyboard.
    5. Type the parallel search phrase that is contained in the project content (e.g., couch). Press ENTER when you are finished. In the future, when users perform a search and enter the term from the Word cell (e.g., sofa), Flare will find all topics that contain the term that you entered in the Synonym cell (e.g., couch).

    6. (Optional) Click in the Stem check box if you want Flare to accept other variations of the search term that have the same stem.

      Example You enter "hike" in the Word cell, and you enter "walk" in the Synonym cell. Then you select the Stem check box. In the future, if users search for the word "hike," it will find all topics containing the word "walk." The same will happen if users enter other search phrases with the same stem, such as "hiked" or "hiking."

  5. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

Note After you create synonyms, there is nothing else you need to do in order to make them available in the output. If you create synonyms in Flare, they are automatically applied at the project level, so all targets will incorporate those synonyms when you generate and publish the new Flare output.

Note If you merge projects, synonym files will remain separate in each project. For example, if you create synonyms in Project A but not in project B, only the topics from Project A will use the synonyms when users perform searches in the output.

Note Depending on the browser being used, the cache may need to be cleared in order to see the synonym results.