Editing Snippets

After you create or add a new snippet to your project, you can insert it into any of your topics. Later, if you decide that the snippet needs to be altered, you can do so easily using the steps below. When you edit a snippet, the changes are automatically reflected in any topics where you have inserted the snippet previously.

How to Edit a Snippet

  1. Use one of the following methods to open the snippet that you want to modify.
    • Right-click on the snippet in a topic where it is inserted and select Open Snippet File.

    • Locate the snippet in the Resources > Snippets folder in the Content Explorer and double-click it.
  2. In the XML Editor make the necessary changes to the snippet, just as you would edit any other document.
  3. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

Note You can create a nested snippet (i.e., a snippet within a snippet).

Note Although it is possible to open any Flare files in a third-party editor, it is recommended that you avoid editing these files in certain programs while Flare is running. For example, opening a stylesheet in Notepad++ is not an issue. But you might experience problems if you open a topic or snippet in Microsoft Word and edit it while Flare is running.

Note If you want to change how snippets look when they're inserted in the XML Editor, you can change the MadCap|snippetBlock or MadCap|snippetText styles (for block and text snippets, respectively) in the Stylesheet Editor. This does not affect the output. See Editing Styles in a Regular Stylesheet.