Setting the HTML Style for Topics

Using the Properties dialog, you can select an HTML style class for a topic. This is the outer tag in a topic, so the properties for this class will be applied to the entire topic. The following style classes are provided in the drop-down list: task, concept, reference, topic. These options are typically used if you are generating DITA output from the project. If you do not select any of these, the "topic" class is applied to the topic by default. If you want to use a custom style class instead, you can open the stylesheet, select the html style, and create your own topic style class.

How to Set the HTML Style for a Single Topic

  1. Open the Content Explorer.
  2. Find and select the topic.
  3. In the local toolbar of the Content Explorer, click Display properties for the selected item.. The Properties dialog opens.
  4. Select the Topic Properties tab.
  5. In the Topic Style Class field, click the down arrow and select a class from the list.
  6. Click OK.

How to Set the HTML Style for Multiple Topics

  1. Select View > File List or press CTRL+SHIFT+J on your keyboard.
  2. From the Filter list in the local toolbar, select Topic Files (*.htm;*.html).
  3. Select the files for which you want to set a style class. You can hold the SHIFT key to select a range, or you can hold the CTRL key to select individual items.
  4. In the local toolbar, click Display properties for the selected item.. The Properties dialog opens.
  5. Select the Topic Properties tab.
  6. In the Topic Style Class field, click the down arrow and select a class from the list.
  7. Click OK.

What’s Noteworthy?

Note If you have imported DITA file content, the topic types associated with each of those files previously will remain that way, unless you override the settings in the Properties dialog.