Creating Autonumber Formats for Paragraphs

When you incorporate autonumbering into content, you do so by creating an autonumbering format, which consists of one or more commands. Some examples of commands are: CH:, {n+}, {chapnum}, {b}, and {/b}. In addition, you can add text next to commands.

Example You want to apply autonumbering to figure captions. Furthermore, let's say you want the beginning of each caption to contain the word "Figure" followed by the chapter number, a dash, and the next incremented number (e.g., Figure 1-5, Figure 1-6, Figure 1-7). To accomplish this, you might create an autonumbering format that looks like this: CH:Figure {chapnum}-{n+}.

Note It is possible to use autonumbering in online outputs, but only in a limited way. For example, if you have notes throughout your project, you can create an autonumber format on a paragraph style class that simply has the text "Note:" followed by a space. Then whenever you want to apply that style class to note content, it will automatically start with "Note:" so that you don't have to type it each time. However, in the traditional sense where autonumbering is used to increment numbers for elements such as chapters, figures, and tables, it is really only intended for print-based outputs. If you are creating both online and print output and want the autonumbering to be used only for content in the print output, you can use a print medium to specify the autonumbering settings for the print output. See Mediums and Media Queries, Creating Mediums, and Styles for Print Output.

The following steps show you how to create an autonumber format for a single paragraph. You also have the option of creating an autonumber format for a style. It is recommended that you use the style method whenever possible. A style lets you apply the same format to multiple paragraphs throughout your project, and any changes to the format are applied automatically to all the paragraphs using that style.

For more information and several samples, see Autonumbers and Autonumber Format Examples.

How to Create an Autonumber Format for a Paragraph

  1. Open the content file.
  2. Highlight or place your cursor in the paragraph to which you want to apply an autonumber format.
  3. Do one of the following, depending on the part of the user interface you are using:
    • Ribbon Select Home > Opens more options. (at the bottom of the Paragraph section).
    • Keyboard Shortcut Press CTRL+ALT+B on your keyboard.
    • Right-Click Right-click on the paragraph and from the context menu choose Paragraph.

    The Paragraph Properties dialog opens.

  4. Select the Autonumber tab.
  5. (Optional) From the Available commands drop-down list, you can filter the autonumber commands shown in the area below by selecting one of the options.
    • Show All Displays all of the commands in the area below.
    • Show AutoNumber Commands Displays only the autonumber commands in the area below. These include commands such as chapter, section, and volume numbers; counters; and series labels.
      • Chapter, Section, and Volume Number Commands These commands ({chapnum}, {secnum}, {volnum}) let you organize your output into different areas and apply number sequences to them (e.g., Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3).
      • Counters are Commands These commands (such as {n}, {n=1}, {n+}, {r}, {A}, and {Gn}) provide information about what types of numbers should be used and how they should be incremented.
      • Series Labels These are prefixes to a format (composed of one or two letters and a colon) that provide a way to limit numbering sequences for different purposes. Although Flare includes H: in the list of available commands, that is simply one example of a series label. The letter that you use as a series label is arbitrary. You can replace H and choose any letter of the alphabet, followed by a colon. The exception to this is a two-letter series label, in which the first letter represents a series that encompasses more than just one topic. For example, CH is an example of a series label that applies across an entire chapter. The H can be replaced with another letter, but you must keep the C in order to use this command. Finally, it's important to note that a series label must always be the first element in an autonumber format.
    • Show File Commands Displays only the file commands in the area below. These include commands that let you incorporate different parts of a file (such as the file name, file path, and file extension) in an autonumber format.
    • Show Format Commands Displays only the format commands in the area below. These include commands such as {b}, {i}, {color red}, and {size 12pt}, which let you determine how an autonumber format will look. Many of these commands require a beginning command (e.g., {b}) and an ending command (e.g., {/b}).
    • Show Page Commands Displays only the page commands in the area below. These let you include the page number and count in an autonumber format.
    • Show Text Commands Displays only the text commands in the area below. These commands let you incorporate text from an area of your output into the autonumber format.
  6. In the Enter format field, provide the autonumber format for the paragraph. This format can be a combination of text that you type and automated commands that you select. To add a command to the "Enter format" field, double-click it from the list in the area below.

    Example If you want the autonumber to include text (such as "Table" or "Figure"), simply type it in this field. You can also double-click any of the commands below to add them to this field. For example, you might want to add a counter that increments the autonumbers by one (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3). The command for this is {n+}. Descriptions for each command are displayed in the list.

    Some commands include a start tag and an end tag. For example, if you want a portion of the autonumber format be displayed in bold, you would place your cursor in the "Enter format" field where you want to start the bold font and double-click b in the list below. Then place your cursor where you want the bold font to end and double-click /b from the list.

    So in the end, your autonumber format might include a combination of text and multiple commands, such as: {b}Table {n+} - {/b}.

    Following are descriptions of the commands that are available.

    Note If you plan to generate Word output from your project, you should not use the format commands provided in the grid, since they are not supported in Word. Instead, create and apply a span class to the autonumber format to change its look. To create a span class, open the Stylesheet Editor, select the span tag on the left side of the editor, and follow the steps for adding a selector (e.g., span.BoldRed). Then on the style using the autonumber, enter the name of the class in the mc-auto-auto-number-class field.

    So instead of doing this…

    With Word output don't use the autonumber format command in the stylesheet, as shown.

    Do this instead…

    With Word output use a span class to autonumber format, as shown.

    Autonumber Commands

    • {n} Retains the current counter value and displays it. You might use this command, for example, if you are applying autonumber formats to multi-level paragraphs, where one paragraph acts as the "parent" to another. Let's say the first-level paragraphs are numbered like this: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0. If you want the second level paragraphs to keep the first number of its parent paragraph and increment the second number (e.g., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3), you would enter the {n} command to continue displaying that first number, which represents the parent paragraph (in this case, 1).
    • {n=1} Resets the counter value to 1 and displays it. You can replace the number 1 with any other number that you want to use.
    • { =0} Resets the counter value to 0 but does not display it. You can replace the number 0 with any other number that you want to use.
    • {n+} Increments the counter value and displays it. You might use this command, for example, to increment a list of step-by-step procedures (e.g., 1., 2., 3.).
    • { } Retains the current value and does not display it. Make sure to include a space between the brackets. You might use this command, for example, if you are creating an outline with Roman numerals at the first level and uppercase alpha numerals at the second level. If you are creating the format for the second level, you want the autonumber format to keep track of the fact that it is a "child" of the first level paragraph, but you do not want to display the Roman numeral from it (e.g., IV.A.). Instead, you only want to display the uppercase alpha letter (e.g., A). In order to do this, you would insert the { } command at the place where the Roman numeral would normally be displayed.
    • {secnum} Displays the current section number. You can use this command if you are creating online output, or Word or PDF output.

      Note To generate section numbers, you need to create an autonumber format that includes the {secnum} command. Then you need to specify section breaks in the outline TOC. See Specifying Chapter and Page Layout Breaks.

      Note You can also insert Section Number variables into page layout headers. By doing this, you can automatically display the correct section number at the top or bottom of pages in the output. See Inserting Chapter, Section, and Volume Number Variables Into Frames.

    • {chapnum} Displays the current chapter number.

      Note To generate chapter numbers, you need to create an autonumber format that includes the {chapnum} command. Then you need to specify chapter breaks in the outline TOC. See Specifying Chapter and Page Layout Breaks.

      Note You can also insert Chapter Number variables into page layout headers. By doing this, you can automatically display the correct chapter number at the top or bottom of pages in the output. See Inserting Chapter, Section, and Volume Number Variables Into Frames.

    • {volnum} Displays the current volume number.

      Note To generate volume numbers, you need to create an autonumber format that includes the {volnum} command. Second, you need to specify chapter breaks in the outline TOC (see Specifying Chapter and Page Layout Breaks). Third, you need to specify the autonumber flow for each volume, resetting the volume number to a specific number (see Specifying Autonumbering Flow for Output).

      Note You can also insert Volume Number variables into page layout headers. By doing this, you can automatically display the correct volume number at the top or bottom of pages in the output. See Inserting Chapter, Section, and Volume Number Variables Into Frames.

    • {r} This is the same as the {n} command, except it displays the counter as a lowercase Roman numeral. You can replace the "n" with an "r" in any of the commands listed above.
    • {R} This is the same as the {n} command, except it displays the counter as an uppercase Roman numeral. You can replace the "n" with an "R" in any of the commands listed above.
    • {a} This is the same as the {n} command, except it displays the counter as a lowercase alpha letter. You can replace the "n" with an "a" in any of the commands listed above.
    • {A} This is the same as the {n} command, except it displays the counter as an uppercase alpha letter. You can replace the "n" with an "A" in any of the commands listed above.
    • {Sn} This is a counter to be used over the course of an entire section. This specific command retains the current counter value and displays it. However, you can modify it to create custom versions of any of the commands that you see above with {n}. For example, you might want to use {Sn+} or {Sn=1}.
    • {Cn} This is a counter to be used over the course of an entire chapter. This specific command retains the current counter value and displays it. However, you can modify it to create custom versions of any of the commands that you see above with {n}. For example, you might want to use {Cn+} or {Cn=1}.
    • {Gn} This is a counter to be used globally in your content. This specific command retains the current counter value and displays it. However, you can modify it to create custom versions of any of the commands that you see above with {n}. For example, you might want to use {Gn+} or {Gn=1}.
    • H: Specifies a series labeled H. However, you can use any letter of the alphabet for a series label, and you can use several different series labels throughout your content. For example, you might want to use F: for a series of figure captions, or T: for a series of table captions. If you use a series label, it must be first in the autonumber format.
    • SH: Specifies a section-wide series labeled H. However, you can use any letter of the alphabet as the second letter (replacing H). For example, you might want to use SF: for a section-wide series of figure captions, or ST: for a section-wide series of table captions. If you use a series label, it must be first in the autonumber format.
    • CH: Specifies a chapter-wide series labeled H. However, you can use any letter of the alphabet as the second letter (replacing H). For example, you might want to use CF: for a chapter-wide series of figure captions, or CT: for a chapter-wide series of table captions. If you use a series label, it must be first in the autonumber format.
    • GH: Specifies a global series labeled H. However, you can use any letter of the alphabet as the second letter (replacing H). For example, you might want to use GF: for a global series of figure captions, or GT: for a global series of table captions. If you use a series label, it must be first in the autonumber format.

    File Commands

    • {ext} Displays the file extension.
    • {file} Displays the file name, including the extension.
    • {filename} Displays the file name, without the extension.
    • {path} Displays the path of the file.
    • {url} Displays the path of the file, URL syntax.

    Format Commands

    • {b} Starts bold text.
    • {/b} Ends bold text.
    • {bg red} Starts new background color. You can replace "red" with another color.
    • {/bg} Ends the background color.
    • {color red} Starts new text color. You can replace "red" with another color.
    • {/color} Ends the text color.
    • {default} Resets all font changes.
    • {family Courier New} Starts a new font family. You can replace "Courier New" with another font family.
    • {/family} Ends font family.
    • {i} Starts italic text.
    • {/i} Ends italic text.
    • {size 12pt} Starts font size. You can replace "12pt" with another font size.
    • {/size} Ends font size.
    • {sub} Starts subscript text.
    • {/sub} Ends subscript text.
    • {sup} Starts superscript text.
    • {/sup} Ends superscript text.
    • {u} Starts underline text.
    • {/u} Ends underline text.

    Page Commands

    • {page} Displays the page number.
    • {pagecount} Displays the page count.

    Text Commands

  7. In the Position field, you can select the position for the autonumber format in the paragraph.

    • Inside Head The autonumber format is placed before the paragraph content, inside the content area. Text that is wrapped to the next line will align under the autonumber format.
    • Outside Head The autonumber format is placed before the paragraph content, but outside of the content area. Therefore, text that is wrapped to the next line will align under the previous text (not under the autonumber format). You can provide space between the format and the content by using the "Offset" field below.
    • Inside Tail The autonumber format is placed after the paragraph content, inside the content area. Text that is wrapped to the next line will align under the autonumber format.
    • Outside Tail The autonumber format is placed after the paragraph content, but outside of the content area. Therefore, text that is wrapped to the next line will align under the previous text (not under the autonumber format). You can provide space between the format and the content by using the "Offset" field below.
    • Float Left The autonumber format is placed to the left of the paragraph content, in alignment with the left side of the page frame.
    • Float Right The autonumber format is placed to the right of the paragraph content, in alignment with the right side of the page frame.
    • Outside Frame The autonumber format is placed outside the page layout frame holding the paragraph.
    • Outside Frame (Left Side) The autonumber format is placed to the left of the page layout frame holding the paragraph.
    • Outside Frame (Right Side) The autonumber format is placed to the right of the page layout frame holding the paragraph.
    • None The autonumber functionality (autonumbers, counters, and formatting) are removed from the class, while the other class properties are preserved.
  8. In the Offset field, you can specify the amount of space that you want to create between a format's content and the paragraph content. Select Length in the top drop-down list. You can then enter an amount and choose from several different units of measurement (points, pixels, centimeters, etc.). See Units of Measurement. Click OK when you are done.
  9. In the Span Class field, you can enter a span style class for the autonumber format.
  10. In the Properties dialog, click OK.
  11. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

What’s Next?

If you have created autonumber formats that include volume, chapter, or section numbers, you need to specify their flow for the output. See Specifying Autonumbering Flow for Output.