Showing Links in Standalone Topics

You can add a link to the top or bottom of topics in HTML5, WebHelp, or WebHelp Plus outputs. This link will not display unless the output topic is opened as a standalone (outside of the main navigation framework of the output). By clicking the link, a user can view the standalone topic in the main navigation framework.

You can also modify the skin styles for these links to change the way they look or the words used in the links. To do this in a Standard skin, open the Skin Editor, select the Styles tab, expand the Control group, and set the values for the Navigation Link Bottom and Navigation Link Top properties. To do this in an HTML5 skin, open the Skin Editor, select the Styles tab, expand the Navigation Link group, and set the values for the Bottom and Top properties. See Standard Skin Styles and HTML5 Skin Styles.

How to Show Links in WebHelp Standalone Topics

  1. Open a Standard or HTML5 Tripane skin.
  2. If you opened a Standard skin, select the WebHelp Setup tab. If you opened an HTML5 skin, select the Setup tab.
  3. In the Topic Settings section, click Show navigation link at top of topic or Show navigation link at bottom of topic.
  4. Click Save the active file. to save your work.