Improving the Processing Performance of the Target

You can improve the speed that your output loads for end users in several ways.

How to Improve the Processing Performance of a Target

  1. Open a target.
  2. In the Target Editor select the Performance tab
  3. Select the option(s) that you want to use:

    • Condense JavaScript Files You can condense any JavaScript files in your output. This causes all of the output's runtime scripts to be merged into one file and improves web server performance by causing there to be fewer requests when loading the output.
    • Pre-load Images You can pre-load your images that are not initially visible when output is opened. When those images are triggered to be displayed, they will appear faster since they were pre-loaded. This happens at the cost of the output taking slightly longer to initially open since it must download more content. On the other hand, disabling pre-loading images will cause the output to open faster. Instead they will have to be downloaded when they are triggered to be displayed.

      Note This option is not available for HTML5 targets.

    • Chunk Large Index/TOC/Glossary Files You can control the size of "chunks" used when generating the index, TOC, and glossary files for a target. After you choose this option, select the number of bytes for each chunk. The chunk size affects the speed that a Help system loads for a user. Depending on the internet connection, different results will be seen. The smaller the chunk size, the greater the number of chunks that will be sent. A large number of chunks may result in a slower speed, especially if you have many merged "sub-projects" and the index is being merged. Chunking may slow down the generation of your output somewhat, but it increases the speed that the output loads for end users. For best results, you should test the different chunk sizes.

      Note The option for chunking large glossary files is only available in HTML 5 targets.

  4. Click Save the active file. to save your work.
  5. Build and publish the output.
  6. Open the output from the published destination to test the loading performance of the output.