Creating Destination Files for ServiceNow®

After you have completed the other tasks for publishing to ServiceNow® (i.e., retrieving credentials and installing MadCap Connect for ServiceNow®), you can create a destination file.

How to Create a Destination File for ServiceNow®

  1. Open the Project Organizer.
  2. Open an existing destination file or add a new one. See Adding Destination Files.
  3. In the Destination Editor, click in the Type drop-down field, and select MadCap Connect for ServiceNow®.
  4. Activate your ServiceNow® license.

    1. Click Activate. A wizard opens.
    2. Enter the license key, then click Next.
    3. Enter the name and email of the user associated with the license key. Then click Next.
    4. Select either Internet Activation or Manual Activation. Then click Next.
      • If you choose Internet Activation, a confirmation displays to indicate that your license has been activated. Click Finish.
      • If you choose Manual Activation, follow the instructions on-screen to copy and paste the information in an email to
  5. In the Destination Editor, click Login Credentials.
  6. In the first field, enter the ServiceNow® Instance.
  7. Paste the Client ID and Client secret (see Retrieving ServiceNow® Credentials). Then click Next.
  8. Enter your ServiceNow® User name and Password. Then click Finish.
  9. Complete the MadCap Connect for ServiceNow® fields. Most of these fields are optional, but you must select a default knowledge base.

    See the full topic for details.

    • Use TOC to define categories Select this if you want the resulting categories in ServiceNow® to be based on your TOC structure. Otherwise, the topics will be published to the default category that is selected.
    • Default knowledge base Select the ServiceNow® knowledge base to store the published files.
    • Default category If you have existing categories on the knowledge base, you can choose one to hold the published files.
    • Exclusions You can enter any files (separated by commas) that you want to exclude from the publication process.
    • Workflow Select the workflow (Draft, Review, or Published) for the output files being uploaded to ServiceNow®.
    • Generate keywords You can choose how the published files affect keywords on ServiceNow®.
      • Use Flare keywords for ServiceNow® keywords Flare keywords will become ServiceNow® keywords after the files are published. Only Flare keywords without spaces can be added to ServiceNow®.
      • Use Flare concepts for ServiceNow® keywords Flare concepts will become ServiceNow® keywords after the files are published. Only Flare concepts without spaces can be added to ServiceNow.
      • Delete stale ServiceNow® keywords You might have previously published files to ServiceNow® that resulted in keywords. If those keywords or concepts no longer exist in the Flare files being published, selecting this option will remove the out-of-date keywords from ServiceNow®.
      • Default keywords Enter keywords (separated by commas) that you want to be associated with all published articles in ServiceNow® (even in multiple languages), whether or not those keywords or concepts were part of the topics in Flare.
    • Generate tags You can choose how the published files affect tags on ServiceNow®.
      • Use Flare keywords for ServiceNow® tags Flare keywords will become ServiceNow® tags after the files are published.
      • Use Flare concepts for ServiceNow® tags Flare concepts will become ServiceNow® tags after the files are published.
      • Delete stale ServiceNow® tags You might have previously published files to ServiceNow® that resulted in tags. If those keywords or concepts no longer exist in the Flare files being published, selecting this option will remove the out-of-date tags from ServiceNow®.
      • Default tags Enter tags (separated by commas) that you want to be associated with all published articles in ServiceNow® (even in multiple languages), whether or not those keywords or concepts were part of the topics in Flare.
  10. (Optional) In the View URL field, you can enter an address corresponding to your publish destination. This field is for your own internal purposes, and is simply a quick way for you to open the output associated with the destination by clicking the button to the right.
  11. (Optional) You can select the upload options. The Upload Log File option is automatically selected for ServiceNow®.

    • Upload Only Changed Files Select this option if you want Flare to republish only the files that have changed. This can save significant time.
    • Remove Outdated Published Files Select this option if you want Flare to identify files that were previously published to the destination but are no longer in the source files. Flare will then remove such files from the destination.
  12. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

What’s Next?

(Required) Publishing to ServiceNow®