Disabling a Git Provider

By default, when a project is bound to source control, the provider (Git, Perforce Helix Core, Subversion, or Team Foundation Server) is enabled. This means that the source control interface elements in Lingo are visible, and you can use them to perform various tasks (e.g., commits, synchronize changes).

Disabling a provider means that the source control interface elements are no longer shown. This does not mean you cannot use source control. As long as the provider is still bound to the project, you can perform source control tasks in a third-party tool outside of Lingo.

How to Disable a Provider for All Projects Globally

This is the easiest method if you have multiple projects and you want to disable the Git provider in Lingo for all of them.

  1. Select File > Options.

  2. Select the Source Control tab.

  3. In the Bind Detection section, remove the check mark next to Git.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Close the project and then reopen it so that the option can take effect.

    The provider option that is found in the Project Properties dialog or the Settings view in the Source Control Explorer (i.e., the "Enabled" check box) will then automatically be disabled.

How to Disable a Provider in an Individual Project

Use this method if you want to disable a provider in just one project, rather than many projects.

  1. Do one of the following, depending on the part of the user interface you are using:
    • Project Properties Select File > Project Properties.

    • Source Control Explorer Select View > Source Control Explorer. Then, in the window pane, click Settings.
  2. Click Enabled to remove the check mark.

  3. If you used the Project Properties dialog, click OK.

What’s Noteworthy?

Note If you disable a Git provider, the local repository will continue to track your changes in case you later decide to enable the provider once again.

If you disable one of the other providers (Perforce Helix Core, Subversion, Team Foundation Server), your changes after that point will not be tracked. Therefore, if you later enable the provider again, it will not have recorded any changes made since the time that you disabled it.

Note When you disable a provider, that information is written to the registry on your computer.

Note If you disable a provider, but then perform one of the following actions in the Lingo interface, the provider will automatically become enabled once again.

  • Bind an existing project

  • Bind a new project

  • Import a project from source control

Note Having a provider enabled in Lingo does not interfere with your workflow if you are performing source control actions exclusively outside of Lingo. Even if a provider is enabled in the project and the source control user interface elements are visible, this does not mean Lingo is automatically performing any source control actions with your files. It simply means Lingo is recognizing the binding, so it reflects your activities (e.g., the Pending Changes window is populated when you make edits in topics). However, if you prefer not to see any of this in Lingo, you can disable the provider.