Common Source Control Terms

Following are definitions for some of the common phrases used in Lingo's built-in source control system.

  • Bind This means to connect your project to Perforce Helix Core. After doing this, you can then take advantage of all the automated source control tasks (such as submit, revert, lock, unlock, and so on).

  • Submit This means to send changes made to your open Lingo files to the server, or depot.

  • Check Out This means to copy the latest source control files to your local Lingo project and remove the "Read Only" designation from them so that you can edit the files.

  • Get Latest Version This means to copy the latest source control files to your local project without necessarily checking out the files. This means that the "Read Only" designation will remain associated with the files until you check them out.

  • Revert This means to undo changes you have made to a Lingo file. Changes are reverted to the way they were at the last submit.

  • Lock This means to prevent other users from submitting changes to an opened Lingo file in source control.

  • Unlock This means to remove an existing lock from an open Lingo file so other users can submit changes to the file.

Note Lingo integrates with multiple source control providers to provide built-in source control support. Each of the source control providers built-in to Lingo uses different terms. As such, Lingo's source control interface is different depending on which source control provider you use. Please refer to the sections for each source control provider if you need to see information about the terms used by other built-in systems.