Checking Out Source Control Files—Perforce Helix Core

When you need to work on any of the Lingo project files, you can check them out. Checking out files means to copy the latest source control files to your local Lingo project and remove the "Read Only" designation from them so that you can edit the files. A red check mark is displayed next to each file that is checked out.

You can check files out automatically or manually.

How to Check Out Files From Source Control Automatically

  1. Select File > Options. The Options dialog opens.
  2. Select the Source Control tab.

    Note This tab will not be visible if your project is not yet bound to source control. See Binding a Project to Perforce Helix Core.

  3. Click the check box Automatically check file out from source control when saving file changes. A check mark in the box indicates that the feature is enabled.

  4. (Optional) If you want files that are automatically checked out to be locked as well, select Lock files when automatically checking out.

    Locking files means that other users cannot submit those same files when you have them checked out. You might use this feature to prevent conflicting changes from occurring and having to merge files as a result.

  5. Click OK.

    Whenever you open a file that is not checked out, make changes, and save, not only will your changes be saved but the file will automatically be checked out to you.

How to Check Out Files From Source Control Manually

  1. Do one of the following, depending on the part of the user interface you are using:
    • Ribbon Select Source Control > Check Out (for selected files) or Source Control > Check Out All (for all files in the project).
    • Right-Click In the File List, right-click the file you want to check out and select Source Control > Check Out (for selected files) or Source Control > Project > Check Out All (for all files in the project).

    The Check Out dialog opens. The selected files are listed with check boxes next to them.

  2. Make sure to click the check box next to each file you want to check in so that it contains a check mark.

  3. (Optional) If you want the files to be locked as well, select Lock files.

    Locking files means that other users cannot submit those same files when you have them checked out. You might use this feature to prevent conflicting changes from occurring and having to merge files as a result.

  4. Click Check Out.

What’s Noteworthy?

Note When you check out a file from source control, you are actually checking out the file's corresponding XLF file. You will see the XLF file if you open the Source Control Explorer. This is because you need the XLF file available in order to make changes, view the file's history, or view differences.