Source Control Icons

Following are descriptions for the primary icons that you may see next to files when using source control.

Checked Out

This indicates that the file has been checked out from source control. When your changes are done, you can check in the file. See Checking In Source Control Files—Team Foundation Server and Checking Out Source Control Files—Team Foundation Server.

You may see this icon in conjunction with the icon, indicating that you have checked out and locked the file.

New File (Pending Add)

This indicates that you have a file in your project but have not yet added it to the integrated source control application. To resolve this, simply right-click on the file and select Source Control > Add.

Not Checked Out

This indicates that the file is added to source control but is not currently checked out, which means that it contains a "Read Only" designation in its properties. In order to edit the file, you must check it out from source control.

See Checking Out Source Control Files—Team Foundation Server.

Locked by Another User

This indicates that another user has locked the file. You cannot check in the file while it is locked by another user.

Locked by You

This indicates that you have locked the file. You can lock a file when you check it out. Other users cannot check in the file while it is locked.

Checked Out By Other User

This indicates that the file is currently checked out to another user.

You may see this icon in conjunction with the icon, indicating that another user has checked out and locked the file.

Out of Date

This indicates that the file is not current (i.e., the local copy of the file is older than the source control copy). This might happen if another user checks out the file, makes changes to it, and checks it back in to source control. If this occurs, you can check the file out or get the latest version of the file from source control.


This indicates that the file is deleted from source control, but you still have a copy of the file on your local machine. If necessary, you can add the file to source control.