Spell Checking While Typing

This is a feature that lets you keep a close eye on your spelling as you type in your content files.

How to Spell Check While Typing

  1. Open a content file.
  2. Select Tools > Spell Check While Typing.
  3. Type text in your file. Questionable words are underlined with a jagged red line.
  4. To take action on a questionable word, right-click on it. Then select one of the following from the menu:
    • [Suggestions] Alternate spelling suggestions are listed in bold at the top of the menu. If you want to use one of those spellings instead of the current spelling, select the new word.
    • Ignore All Lingo ignores the spelling of the word and adds the spelling of this word to the Ignored Words Editor (which can be opened from the Tools ribbon). This means that if other occurrences of the word are found in any other files in future sessions, they will not be flagged as questionable spellings. This is similar to adding words to a dictionary. The difference is that this feature simply ignores questionable spellings of certain words, whereas a dictionary also lists spellings as suggestions. See Adding Words to the Ignore Spell Check List.
    • Add To Global Dictionary Lingo adds the word to a global dictionary so that it is not flagged as a questionable spelling in the future. The word will also be displayed as a suggestion for future questionable spellings that are very similar.

    • Add To Project Dictionary Lingo adds the word to a project dictionary so that it is not flagged as a questionable spelling in the future. The word will also be displayed as a suggestion for future questionable spellings that are very similar. Suggestions can be used only by the current project.
  5. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

Warning Although this feature can be useful, it may also affect your memory resources. Therefore, you may want to disable this option if you experience performance issues with Lingo.