Ranking Termbases

If you use multiple termbases, you can assign them rankings to specify which database should take priority in termbase suggestions. You can set these priority rankings when creating a new project or by using the Manage Termbases dialog (Resources > Choose Termbase).

When you use a ranked termbase, terms from the highest-ranked termbase are given priority in the Termbase window pane. You can still view terms from other termbases in the top half of the pane.

How to Rank a Termbase

  1. Make sure you have created at least one termbase. See Creating Termbases.
  2. Select the Resources ribbon. In the Translation Memory section select Choose Termbase.

    The Manage Termbases dialog opens.

  3. Next to each termbase in the grid that you want to associate with the project, click Use.

  4. From the Rank drop-down, select a numeric ranking for each enabled termbase, where 1 is the preferred termbase. You do not have to select a value; unranked termbases will take lowest priority.

    Note You can only rank enabled termbases. The Rank drop-down is disabled if a termbase is not selected for the project.

    Note You cannot assign the same rank to more than one termbase.

  5. Click OK.


You can rank each enabled termbase.

The results from the highest-ranked termbase are given priority in the Termbase window pane.