Filter and Concept/Language Grid

The top section of the Termbase Editor contains a filter and a grid listing the terms in each language.

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When you use the Filter field, the list shortens accordingly to show only the terms that match the search criteria.


Lets say you have a termbase that looks like this:

You want to see only the rows containing the word "Motorcycle." So you type that term into the Filter field and click .

The grid changes to show only the row that contains that word.

When you are finished, you click to empty the Filter field and return the grid to its previous list.

Concept/Language Grid

The grid shows all of the terms and their corresponding languages in the termbase.

Each cell may contain multiple terms. And the entire row of terms and languages is called a "concept."

Note The idea of a concept in a termbase should not be confused with the concept files that you may import from Flare project.