Accepting Exact Matches on Applying Translation Memory

When you apply translation memory (TM) suggestions (see Applying Translation Memory Suggestions), you can control how exact matches are handled, whether they are automatically accepted or not. This is done by selecting a check box in the Options dialog.

How to Accept Exact Matches on Applying Translation Memory

  1. Select File > Options.
  2. Select the Translation Memory tab.
  3. Select Accept Exact Matches upon applying TM.

    If this option is selected and you apply translation memory (TM), 100% or 101% matches are automatically populated in the target cells and accepted. Therefore, the Status column for those segments in the Translation Editor is displayed with a gray background and check mark.

    If this option is not selected and you apply TM, 100% or 101% matches are simply populated in the target cells; they are not yet confirmed. This lets you review those segments before manually accepting the matching translations.

  4. Click OK.

Note If you apply TM to a project with multiple TM databases selected, Lingo applies matching translations from the highest-ranked database. If no databases are ranked, Lingo applies matching translations from the first database selected.

Note If you apply TM and a segment has multiple exact or context matches, Lingo applies the match from the highest-ranked TM database. If no databases are ranked or there are multiple matches in the same database, Lingo applies the first match it finds in the TM database.