After you have imported a review package into Lingo, you can accept or reject the reviewer's changes. Any changes you accept will be added to the original document.
In the table that appears, review each segment and any annotations made by the reviewer. The table includes the following information:
Accept or reject changes to the segments. To accept all the changes in a segment, click . To reject all the changes in a segment, click
. If you want to accept or reject all the changes at once, click Accept All or Reject All.
When you accept or reject a change, it will be added to or removed from the target segment.
When you accept changes, they are added to the segment, as if they were part of the original segment. When you accept a deletion, it is removed from the segment.
This is the original file. There are additions in the first and fourth segments and a deletion in the second segment.
This is how it appears when both changes are accepted.
When you reject changes, they are removed from the segment, as if they were never part of the segment. When you reject a deletion, the deleted word is added back into the segment.
This is the original file. There are additions in the first and fourth segments and a deletion in the second segment.
This is how it appears when both changes are rejected.
Note: You must accept or reject the entire segment. If you want to accept or reject only some of the changes, you should accept or reject the entire segment and then correct the unwanted changes later.