Opening Frames

After you create a movie, the frames that form the movie are listed in order in the Frames window pane. The first frame of the movie is displayed in the Frame Editor, which you can use to add objects and effects to the frame. You can navigate through the other frames and select them. When you select a frame, it opens in the Frame Editor.

How to Open Frames

  1. Open the movie.
  2. Use one of the following methods to move through the movie and open frames.
    • Ribbon Select the Frame ribbon, then select one of the following:
      • Previous Button Click the face of the Previous button or click the down arrow and select Previous to open the previous frame. Click the down arrow and select First to open the first frame of the movie.
      • Next Button Click the face of the Next button or click the down arrow and select Next to open the next frame. Click the down arrow and select Last to open the last frame of the movie.
    • Frames Window Pane Use the scroll bar to move up or down in the frame sequence. Click a frame when you want to open it in the Frame Editor.