Creating Blank Movies

In addition to creating a movie by recording your actions or capturing an image, you can create a movie with an empty frame. You can then insert additional frames into the movie and add objects, text, images, and effects to the frames.

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How to Create a Blank Movie

  1. (Optional) If you want the movie to be part of a collection, first create the collection and make sure it is open (see Creating a Movie Collection). Otherwise, if you want to create a standalone movie, skip to the next step.
  2. Select File > New.
  3. Click Blank Movie.
  4. In the Template Folders area, select one of the folders. The Templates section to the right displays the movie templates contained in the folder you selected. See Templates.
  5. In the Templates area, select one of the template files associated with the folder. The Source File field now contains the path to the template file.
  6. (Optional) Next to the Folder field, you can click The browse ellipsis button opens to more options. and select a location to store the movie.

    The Folder field is enabled only if you are creating a standalone movie, as opposed to one that is part of a collection. By default, Mimic stores your new movies in the Documents\My Mimic Movies folder.

  7. In the File Name field, type a new name for the movie.
  8. In the Width and Height fields, type a size for the new movie in pixels.

  9. Click Add. The blank movie is created and loaded into Mimic.

What's Next?

After you create a blank movie, you can enhance it in several ways (e.g., inserting additional frames, adding effects, adding objects). When you are finished enhancing the movie, you can build it. See Editing a Movie and Building Movie Output Using the Interface.