Creating Templates

In Mimic, templates can be used for creating collections and movies. A template is simply an existing file of the same type that you are creating. Therefore, creating a template for future use in Mimic is just a matter of creating a collection or movie, providing the settings that you want, and placing it in the proper folder on your computer.

How to Create a Template

  1. In Mimic, create the collection or movie you want to use as a template.

  2. Add content or settings to the collection or movie as you normally would.
  3. Save the file(s).
  4. In Windows, find and copy the collection or movie folders/files that you created.

    Note When creating collection or movie templates, copy the entire folder structure holding the files.

  5. In your "Documents" folder, create a subfolder and name it My Templates.

    This subfolder will be used to hold all of the different templates that you create in Mimic, as well as the templates for all other MadCap Software applications.

  6. In the My Templates folder, create the following subfolders, depending on whether you are storing collections or movies:
    • For collections, name the subfolder Mimic Projects
    • For movies, name the subfolder Mimic Movies
  7. Paste your Mimic collection folder in the "Mimic Projects" subfolder. Paste your Mimic movie folder in the "Mimic Movies" subfolder.

The next time you create a new collection or movie in Mimic, you can select My Templates in the dialog to display (and select from) the templates that you've created.