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Customizing the Movie Viewer

One of the benefits of the Movie Viewer's user interface is that it is flexible and easy to customize to meet your needs. Below are some of the ways you can customize the interface.

Moving, docking, and floating window panes

Simply because a window pane is attached to the left or right side of the program window by default, this does not mean it has to stay there.

Auto-hiding window panes

In the top-right corner of every window pane, you will see a small button that looks like a pin . If you click this button, the window pane is hidden (or "pinned" to the edge of the program window). However, you can still see the title of the window pane along the edge of the program window. When you hover the mouse over the title, the window pane temporarily displays again until you move the mouse off the window pane. Click the button again to "un-pin" the window pane.

Resizing user interface elements

You can easily resize the program window, dialog windows, and floating window panes in the Movie Viewer by clicking the edge of the element and dragging the mouse to the desired size. You can also resize drop-down menus in the same way.

See Also