This dialog lets you choose miscellaneous option settings.
Use this tab to set various basic options.
Button/Section | Description |
By default, when you minimize Movie Viewer, a shortcut button on the main part of the taskbar lets you reopen the application. However, you can select this check box if you want to minimize Movie Viewer to the system tray instead. With this option selected, a shortcut icon is placed in the system tray (i.e., notification area) of the taskbar when Movie Viewer is minimized. You can click on this icon and select Restore to reopen the application. |
Auto-Reload Documents |
Select this check box if you want Movie Viewer to reload documents automatically. In other words, if you have topics or editor pages open and then close the project, this option ensures that those same documents are reopened the next time you open the project. |
Select this check box if you want Movie Viewer to periodically auto-save any open files. You can specify the number of minutes that should elapse between each auto-save. |
Open files with these extensions… |
If you want certain types of files to open automatically in the Document Dock pane, enter those file extensions in this field, separating each one with a semi-colon (e.g., xml;text;asp). The Document Dock pane is an empty window pane that is docked by default on the left side of the Movie Viewer interface. You can use this pane to display any type of document in that window pane, instead of displaying the document in its current location. |
Close others when opening new document |
You can have multiple files of all types open in the interface at the same. By default, when you open a new file, other documents that are already open remain open. However, you can change this behavior so that files already open in the interface are automatically closed when you open a new document. See Closing Files Automatically. You can use any of the following auto-close options:
Reset "Show Once" Dialogs |
There are some dialogs in Movie Viewer that open just once to give you a message or warning when something changes or you switch modes. These dialogs have a check box labeled "Show this dialog." If you deselect that checkbox, you will not see the dialog again. However, you can use this reset feature to display that dialog (and all other "Show Once" dialogs) again the next time. |
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