Inserting a Variable
After you create a variable, you can insert it into your Word source document.

- In the Word source document, place your cursor where you want to insert a variable.
- Select the Doc-To-Help ribbon.
- In the D2HML Styles section, click Variable. The Variable dialog opens.
- Select the appropriate variable from the grid.
- (Optional) In the Options section, select the Hide properties in document check box to hide the tag.
- Click OK.

Tip You can also insert variables by dragging them from the Variables window pane in the Doc-To-Help Project panel to your source document.

Note When your target is built, the value of the variable(s) used is automatically inserted in the output. For text variables, the value will have the same formatting (font, etc.) as its insertion point. For rich content variables, the variable will retain the formatting applied to the variable when it was created.