Importing a RoboHelp Project

You can create a project by importing a RoboHelp project.

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How to Import a RoboHelp Project

  1. Select File > New Project > RoboHelp Project.
  2. In the dialog that opens, browse for and double-click the RoboHelp project file (MPJ or XPJ file) to be imported. The Import Project Wizard opens.
  3. In the Project name field, type a name for the new Flare project that will be created after you import the RoboHelp project.
  4. In the Project folder field, either accept the default location for the new project or click The browse ellipsis button opens to more options. to browse for and select a folder.
  5. Click Next.
  6. (Optional) Select Convert all topics at once if you want Flare to immediately convert all of your topic files to XHTML.

    If you remove the check mark from the box, Flare imports the topic files as they are. When you try to open an imported topic in Flare, a message asks if you want to convert it to XML. Also, if this option is not selected, Flare will not import index keywords from the source files.

  7. (Optional) Select Convert inline formatting to CSS styles if you want Flare to create new styles based on any "local" formatting that exists in the RoboHelp project files.

    Example If you have applied bold and italic formatting to some text (without using a style), Flare will create a new style based on that formatting.

    Note This may result in dozens of new style classes being generated in your project.

  8. Click Next.
  9. Select a language for the project.
  10. Click Finish. A message tells you that the project was converted successfully and will be opened.
  11. Click OK.

What’s Next?

You can also move on to any of the other basic steps.

Note You do not necessarily need to follow all of the above steps (and their substeps) in the exact order given. For example, as you add topics to a project, you may want to start applying styles and formatting to them right away, before adding other features to the project, such as a glossary. However, the above sequence probably makes the most overall logical sense. For example, you must start a project before adding content and features (i.e., topics, content, cross-references, etc.) to it.