File Tags

A file tag can be applied to files for many different purposes, such as assigning authors or milestones to topics.

Note File tags are an older way to use metadata in your Flare project than meta tags, which are the preferred solution. If you haven't yet created file tags, we recommend that you use meta tags instead. If you've already set up and file tags and applied them to files, you can still use them by linking them to newer meta tags. This allows you to use the tags in many more ways. See Meta Tags.

Example You want to keep track of which authors are writing which topics, as well as the status of each topic (e.g., started, in review, completed). As shown below, you can create one file tag set to list all of your authors and another set to list various topic statuses.

Next, you open the Properties dialog for each necessary file (in this case, topics) to associate certain author or status tags with each.

After you have associated tags to topics and a few weeks have passed, you might decide to create a report to see how each author is progressing on each topic.

When you generate the report, it might look something like this:

Note These tags are intended to be assigned to entire files, not to paragraphs or other content within a topic.