Example—Linking Meta Tags to File Tags

Being able to link meta tag sets to existing file tag set values supports legacy functionality. Authors who already use file tags can leverage their older files and use them with meta tag sets. The meta tags allow for a lot more capability.

Example Prior to meta tags in Flare, an author has created a file tag set to flag photo attribution on files that contain pictures. The project contains images from multiple professional photographers. The author works to integrate legacy file tags with meta tags.


The author creates a meta tag set and adds a new file tag link within it. Then, the author assigns the applicable value in topics.

  1. Identify the file tag set to use. This example assumes that a file tag set is already created. See File Tags.

  2. In the Meta Tag Set Editor, from the Add Meta Tag drop-down, hover over File Tags and select the file tag set. This adds a meta tag linked to the file tag set.

  3. For the new tag, complete the Namefield (using the same name as the file tag set might be a good idea for consistency), and optionally add a Comment. The values are predefined from the link with the existing file tag set.

  4. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

    The new meta tags still need to be associated with the topics. As long as the file tags exist and are associated with topics, reports can be run using file tags.

  5. For each topic, open the Topic Properties dialog. In the Meta Tags tab, select the applicable value for photo attribution. (Select multiple values by selecting the check box for each applicable item.)

  6. Click OK.

    Note If the original file tags are edited (and the file is linked to meta tags), the changes automatically update to the meta tag set.


  • Content Management Once the meta tags are associated with content, you might use the Analysis ribbon to analyze meta tags. Or, you can generate a report, as described below.

    1. From the Project Organizer, right-click the Report folder, and select Add Report File.

    2. In the Add File dialog, select to add an Empty Report, give the report a File Name, and click Add.

    3. In the Report Editor, scroll to the Meta Tags section, select items to report, and click Generate.

      The report might look something like this. (It consists of the same information that would be seen in a report from Analysis ribbon, just formatted in a different way.)