Creating Breadcrumbs

A Breadcrumbs proxy is a placeholder (usually inserted into a template page) that displays a "trail of breadcrumbs" of table of contents (TOC) entries in the output.

To insert a proxy, open a template page (see Creating Template Pages), place your cursor where you want to insert the proxy, and select Insert > Proxy > Breadcrumbs Proxy.

Hyperlinked Breadcrumbs

If the books in the TOC are linked to topics in the project, the breadcrumbs will be hyperlinked in the output; if the books are not linked in the TOC, the breadcrumbs will not be hyperlinked.

Example Here is a TOC where some of the books are not linked to topics.

Therefore, the breadcrumbs in the output look like this:

Here is a TOC where the books are linked to topics in the project.

Therefore, the breadcrumbs in the output look like this:

How to Link a TOC Book to a Topic

  1. Open the TOC.
  2. Select the TOC book.
  3. In the local toolbar of the TOC Editor, click Display properties for the selected item.. The Properties dialog opens.
  4. Click Select Topic. The Link to Topic dialog opens, displaying all the topics in your project.
  5. Select the topic to which you want to link the entry and click Open.
  6. In the Properties dialog, click OK. The book is now linked to the topic.
  7. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

What’s Noteworthy?

Note After you insert a Breadcrumbs proxy into a template page, you can modify the look of the breadcrumbs using styles. See Editing the Look of Breadcrumbs.

Note If you are generating an Eclipse Help target that uses a template page with a Breadcrumbs proxy, Flare will automatically remove the proxy when building the output. This is because the Eclipse development platform provides its own breadcrumb support. See the Platform Plug-in Developer Guide from Eclipse at