Types of Content for Redaction

You can set redacted text on any kind of content (e.g., characters, paragraphs, images, tables). You can do this locally at the font level by highlighting each piece of content, or you can specify redaction on a style and then apply that style to content whenever necessary. It is recommended that you use styles whenever possible. See Styles and Stylesheets, Creating Selectors, and Applying Styles to Content.

Example You plan to redact both individual words, as well as entire paragraphs. In that case, you might open your stylesheet and create a class of the span character style, calling it "Redacted." You also might create a class of the p style, naming it "Redacted." After specifying the redaction value for each of those style classes, you can then apply those classes to your content as needed. If you highlight a few words within a paragraph, you can select span.Redacted to black out those words. If you want to redact an entire paragraph, you can click the tag bar to the left of that paragraph and select the p.Redacted style class.