Creating and Sending Contribution Templates

Following are steps for creating and sending a contribution template.

How to Create and Send Contribution Templates

  1. Create a topic or open an existing one, and add any content that you want to be part of the ready-made template for contributors (e.g., text, images).
  2. (Optional) If there are parts of the topic that you do not want contributors to modify, apply locks to those areas. See Locking Elements.
  3. Select File > Save > Save As Contribution Template.
  4. In the Template Name field, enter a name for the new template.
  5. (Optional) Click The browse ellipsis button opens to more options. and select a location to store a copy of the new template file, which uses an .mccot extension.

    The default location is Documents/My Contribution Templates. This is the location used if you do not select one.

  6. Click Next. All of the content support folders and files are shown, and those that are relevant to the topic are already selected. For example, if the topic has an image and a table using a special table stylesheet, those files are selected in the wizard so that they can be included in the template package. If those support files were not included, the contributor would not be able to see the topic in the same way that you are able to. You can also click other check boxes to include additional files if you like. However, you cannot add other topic files.

  7. Click Next. This is just like the previous page, except it shows project folders and files, with relevant ones already selected. You can click other check boxes to include additional files if you like.

  8. Click Finish. The Template Created dialog opens.
  9. If you want to immediately send the new template to a contributor, click Yes. A new email message is automatically created with the template file attached.
  10. Send the email.

Note You can also email contribution templates that you have already created. See Sending Contribution Templates.

What’s Next?

After contributors make changes to the file and return it, you can double-click on the MCCO file that they send, bring it into your project, and accept it, thus making it part of your project. See Viewing Contribution Files and Accepting Contribution Files.