Associating Destination Files With Targets

After you create a publishing destination, you need to associate it with a target that you plan to build. You can associate the same publishing destination with as many targets as you want.

How to Associate a Destination File With a Target

  1. Open the Project Organizer.
  2. Double-click the Targets folder. The existing targets are shown.
  3. Double-click the target that you want to associate with the destination. The target opens in its own page in the Target Editor.
  4. Click the Publishing tab. All publishing destinations that have been added to the project are displayed. If a destination contains a check mark next to it, that means it is associated with the target. If it does not contain a check mark, it is not yet associated with the target.
  5. Click the check box in the Publish column next to any destinations that you want to associate with the target. A check mark appears next to any destinations that you select.
  6. If you are associating an Elasticsearch destination with a target, click the drop-down arrow in the Elasticsearch Destination column. Select your Elasticsearch destination from the drop-down list. See Elasticsearch.

    Note Elasticsearch destinations will not display in the list of destinations on the Publishing tab in your Target Editor. This is because you will select one from the Elasticsearch Destination field on the Publishing tab of the Target Editor.

  7. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

What’s Next?

Now you are ready to build and publish this target to the destination(s) that you have associated with the target. See Step 5: Building and Publishing Output.