Regular Stylesheets

A branding stylesheet specifically identifies values for branding elements. A regular stylesheet lets you store styles for general content in your project, including tables, to control how that content looks. A table stylesheet, is used only for tables.

You can have as many styles as you want within one regular stylesheet, and you can create as many stylesheets as you need (although one stylesheet is often sufficient for many authors and projects). The recommended location to store a regular CSS stylesheet in the Content Explorer is in the Resources > Stylesheets folder. However, you can store it anywhere in the Content Explorer that you like.

The exception to this is when you import source files that already include a stylesheet. In that case, Flare retains the structure of the imported files, storing the stylesheet in the same location where it resided in the source files.

Note Although it is possible to associate a stylesheet locally with a snippet, the only reason to do this is if you do not have any primary stylesheets in your project. Without a primary stylesheet, a snippet's content will look very plain when you open it. That's because Flare doesn't know which styles to use for it. In order to work in that snippet and apply styles to the content, you will need to associate the snippet with a stylesheet.

You can associate multiple snippets with a stylesheet (or remove a stylesheet from those snippets). The procedure is similar to the one used for associating a stylesheet with template pages. You can open the File List window pane (View > File List), hold down your SHIFT or CTRL key to select the snippets, then right-click and choose Properties. In the Properties dialog, select the Stylesheet Links tab and choose your stylesheet, moving it to the right side of the dialog.