Options Dialog—Review Tab


Options and Descriptions

User Name

When you first install and launch Flare, your login user name is captured and stored in the Options dialog (File > Options). You can change the user name (for Flare purposes) in this field. See Changing Your User Name and Initials.


The first two letters of the user name are also stored as your initials. This information is employed whenever you use the track changes and annotations features. For example, if you insert an annotation in a topic, your initials are displayed at the beginning of the comment so that other users know where the annotation came from. You can change your initials in this field. See Changing Your User Name and Initials.

Tracked Change Display

You can change the way tracked changes are displayed in the interface. See Changing the Display of Tracked Changes.

  • Display all changes in balloons If you select this option, all changes—text and formatting—will be shown in balloons in the sidebar.

  • Display only format changes in balloons If you select this option, changes that include content only (or content plus formatting) will be shown inline. But changes that contain formatting modifications only will be shown in balloons in the sidebar.

  • Display all non-format changes inline If you select this option, all text changes will be shown inline. Balloons are not used.

  • Change Bar Select whether or not you want to turn on change bars. If you turn on change bars, a bar appears on the left side of the line where a change has been made.

User Colors

The tracked changes and annotations for each user can be shown in a separate color. You also have the option of choosing a specific color for all users. See Changing the User Color for Reviews.

  • Use a different color for each user Select this option if you want Flare to automatically assign a different color for each user.

  • Use the following color for all users Select this option if you want all changes, regardless of the user, to display in the same color. After you choose this option, click the down arrow below to select a color.