General Settings

General Settings

Important Pulse is deprecated in Flare, which means that it is slated to be removed in a future version.

AVAILABLE TO: Administrators only

In the Pulse dashboard, the Administration > Settings menu command is available to members of the Administrators group. This gives administrators the ability to click Settings to view and update general system settings for the Pulse web server.

How to View the General Settings

You will not typically need to modify the information in the General Settings page. However, you have the ability to both view and change the settings if needed.

  1. Log in to the Pulse dashboard using an account that is a member of the Administrators group.See Logging In to Pulse.
  2. Select Administration > Settings. The Settings page opens.
  1. Click General. This opens the General Settings page.

Tip We recommend that you keep a record of these settings in case you experience an issue in the future.

Understanding the General Settings

The Pulse server and its settings are populated during the installation process. You can view the general settings by selecting the Administration > Settings menu command and then clicking General. You can make changes to your settings you have special requirements for your environment.



Typical Setting/Format

Additional Information

NoIndent">Site URL

This is the URL that users will enter in their web browser to gain access to Pulse. In order for email and other settings to work properly, you must type the exact URL.

This setting is pre-populated for you during the installation process.

The site URL is used when it is different from the URL used during the Pulse configuration. For example, the user may have configured to an IP address, but now the user is replacing that IP address with a host name.

It is important to ensure that the Site URL exactly matches the DNS entry for your Pulse server.

The Site URL is also included in outbound email notifications.

NoIndent">Restricted Word List

Click Show to reveal an entry field where you can type any words you would like to restrict from use in end user posts.


Typically, this is left blank. Your environment may have a different requirement. If you choose to create a word list, always use comma-separated text.

Example curse,darn

NoIndent">Customer Groups

Place a check mark in this box to allow external users. This allows the Administrator to disable the embedded discussion forum for any users who have not been granted Administrator or Employee privileges. See Managing Users.

check mark=enabled

Typically, this is selected. Your environment may have a different requirement.

A check mark grants external users (i.e., Customers) access to Pulse. Remove the check mark to revoke access.

NoIndent">Group Sync

Place a check mark in this box to enable group sync.

check mark=enabled


NoIndent">SMTP Host

This is the hostname or IP address of the SMTP relay that accepts incoming requests which is the host that will send outbound emails for Pulse.



Obtain this information from your company's Email Administrator.

NoIndent">SMTP Port

This is the port number of the SMTP server handing outbound emails.


Typically, the port number is 25.  Your environment may have a different requirement.

NoIndent">SMTP SSL

Place a check mark in the box to enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

check mark=enabled


Typically, this feature is disabled. Your environment may have a different requirement.

NoIndent">SMTP Username

Type the user name of a valid account on the SMTP relay.

Obtain this information from your company's Email Administrator.

NoIndent">SMTP Password

Type the password for the valid account on the SMTP relay.


Obtain this information from your company's Email Administrator.

NoIndent">Incoming Mail Server Type

Select the type of incoming email server to use.


Exchange Web Services

Poll the Local SMTP Drop Folder

Obtain this information from your company's Email Administrator.

NoIndent">Incoming Bad Mail Folder

Enter the path of the local server folder to hold raw incoming messages that have failed processing.


NoIndent">POP3 Host

Enter the name or IP address of the POP3 host.


NoIndent">POP3 Username

Enter the POP3 user name.


NoIndent">POP3 Password

Enter the POP3 password.



NoIndent">POP3 Poll Task Frequency in Minutes

Enter the POP3 poll task frequency in minutes. This determines how often incoming mail is pulled.


1=1 minute

1 is the recommended setting.

NoIndent">POP3 Enable SSL

Place a check mark in the box to enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

check mark=enabled


Use of this feature depends on company policy. We recommend leaving it unchecked.

NoIndent">Notification Email Type

Set this to a single email address that does not change.


Typically, this will be static. Your environment may have a different requirement.

Pulse supports three types of email notifications: static, domain, and plussing.

  • Static For a single email address that doesn't change, and no support for posting to a group via email.

  • Domain If you have a whole domain you'd like Pulse to control.

  • Plussing If you have one email address you'd like Pulse to manage but would like to be able to post to groups via email.

NoIndent">Notification Email Address

Type a single email address from which notifications and registration emails are sent.

Typically, it is (where example = your domain name). Your environment may have a different requirement.

NoIndent">Notification Email Display Name

The name that you want to appear as the sender in email notifications sent by Pulse.

Pulse Notifications

This defines the name that you want to appear in messages from the Notification Email Address.

NoIndent">Activity Purge Task Frequency in Days

The frequency at which Pulse will run message archive task. When messages reach the age defined in the Message Archive Task Max Message Age in Day field, Pulse archives the messages and they will not display any longer in the user's task pane. 0=off, 1=1 day, 2=2days, etc.

0 (off)

Typically, this feature is disabled. Your environment may have a different requirement.

NoIndent">Activity Purge Task Max Message Age in Days

The maximum age a message can be until it is archived. After the established days, all messages will be archived and will not display any longer in the user's messages pane.


Typically, this is set to 180.  Your environment may have a different requirement.

NoIndent">Account Sync Period

The number of minutes the authentication providers will sync with Pulse.


Typically, this is set to 0. Your environment may have a different requirement.

NoIndent">Always Use SSL

Place a check mark in this box to redirect calls for http:// to https://.

check mark=enabled


Typically, this feature is disabled. Your environment may have a different requirement.

NoIndent">Windows Auto Login IP Ranges

Define the range of IP addresses that will be permitted to automatically login to Pulse using windows credentials. If a user attempts to login from an IP address outside of the defined range, Pulse will prompt for credentials. (or the IP range for your environment)

Typically, this field is left blank. Your environment may have a different requirement.

NoIndent">Mobile Client Persistent Login

Place a check mark in this box to enable mobile client persistent login.

check mark=enabled


When this feature is enabled Pulse mobile clients will remember user login information. If this feature is disabled, users will be required re-login after 60 minutes of inactivity.

NoIndent">Video Encoding

Place a check mark in this box if you have setup an encoding server. When this feature is enabled Pulse can support additional video formats (.mov, .3gp, .wmv, .avi) in addition to MP4. Requires a licensed copy of Microsoft Expression Encoder or Handbrake.

check mark=enabled


Typically, this feature is disabled. Your environment may have a different requirement.

NoIndent">Log Retention

Specify the number of days to retain the error message log on the server.


The default value is 30. Your environment may have a different requirement.

NoIndent">Content Purging

Place a check mark in this box to enable content purging.

check mark=enabled


When content purging is enabled, any content that is marked as deleted will be permanently deleted from the database.

NoIndent">Direct Messaging

Select where direct messaging should be enabled in Pulse.


Users and Groups

Users Only


Select where files should be enabled in Pulse. See Files.


Users and Groups

Users Only


Incoming Mail Server Type Settings

The Pulse web server can connect to a mail server using one of these methods:

POP3 Mail Server Settings

These settings give the Pulse server to use Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) to collect incoming email (i.e., email replies to Pulse notifications):



Typical Setting/Format

Additional Information

POP3 Host

Type the name of the host.


Obtain this information from your Email Administrator or POP3 Service Provider.



POP3 Username

Type the user name of a valid account.

POP3 Password

Type the password for the account.


POP3 Poll Task

This defines how frequently incoming mail is pulled by the server.


This is set to 0 by default. It is recommended that you set the value to 1.

POP3 Enable SSL

Place a check mark in the box to enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).


It is recommended that you leave this box blank. Your environment may have a different requirement.

Exchange Web Services

These settings give the Pulse server the ability to connect to Microsoft Exchange Web Services for incoming email (i.e., email replies to Pulse notifications):



Typical Setting/Format

Additional Information

NoIndent">EWS URL

Type the URL for your Exchange Web Services endpoint.

Obtain this information from your Email Administrator or EWS Provider.



Type the domain name for your Exchange Web Server.




Type the user name of a valid account. For example, enter the user name of an account that has an Exchange inbox. This account should not be a real user’s account. Additionally, the account name is usually how your name appears in emails sent from this email configuration.



Type the password for the account.



NoIndent">EWS Poll Task

This defines how frequently incoming mail is pulled by the server.


This is set to 0 by default. It is recommended that you set the value to 1.

Poll the Local SMTP Drop Folder

These settings give the Pulse server the ability check the SMTP areas of Internet Information Services (IIS) for incoming email (i.e., email replies to Pulse notifications):



Typical Setting/Format

Additional Information

SMTP Drop Folder

The path to the local message store on the SMTP server


This server must exist on all nodes.

Folder Poll Task Frequency in Minutes

This defines how frequently incoming mail is pulled by the server.


This is set to 0 by default. It is recommended that you set the value to 1.

How to Configure the Auto Login for Internal Windows Users

  • Click General. This opens the General page. In the Windows Auto Login IP Ranges box, enter one of the following:
    • An IP Address Range For example, type: This permits all IP addresses within that range to log on automatically.
    • Multiple IP Address Ranges If you have multiple ranges, separate each range with a comma. For example,,

How to Configure the Auto Login for Internal Windows Users

If you are using Active Directory to control access to Pulse, you can configure the Windows Auto Login IP Ranges feature. This gives individuals the ability to log into servers and workstations in the defined range, and automatically logs them into Pulse using their windows credentials.

Note To use this solution, you will need a valid IP address range or list of valid IP addresses to work with.

  1. Log in to the Pulse dashboard using an account that is a member of the Administrators group.See Logging In to Pulse.
  2. Select Administration > Settings. The Settings page opens.
  1. Click General. This opens the General page. In the Windows Auto Login IP Ranges box, enter one of the following:An IP Address Range For example, type: This permits all IP addresses within that range to log on automatically. Multiple IP Address Ranges If you have multiple ranges, separate each range with a comma. For example,,

  2. Click Save.