Posting Questions

Posting Questions

Important Pulse is deprecated in Flare, which means that it is slated to be removed in a future version.

AVAILABLE TO: Administrators, Employees, and Customers

All registered users can post questions in a Pulse feed and vote on answers. The most common place for end users to ask questions is in a topic feed (i.e., the embedded discussion form that appears under each topic in the Flare output). However, you can also post questions in any group, tag, or user feed that you have access permission to view.

How to Post a Question

  1. Log into the Flare output using a registered Pulse account. See Logging In to Pulse.
  2. Navigate to any Flare topic that has been mapped by a content developer to a Pulse feed. See Integrating Flare and Pulse.
  3. In the embedded discussion form below the topic, click Question.

  4. In the text field, type your question.

    If you are a member of the Administrators or Employees group, a drop-down list will present any similar questions in the Pulse system.

  5. Click Share. Your question is posted to the feed for the current topic.

How to Add Details to a Question

After you post a question, you have the option of adding details to the question. This is useful when you want to elaborate on your question.

  1. After posting a question, click Add Details.

  2. In the text editor that appears, add any relevant details. Then click the Save button in the toolbar.

    This posts the details below the question.

How to Vote for Answers

Registered users can vote on answers. Over time, the users with the most votes become topic leaders.

  1. Log into the Flare output or Pulse dashboard using a registered Pulse account. See Logging In to Pulse.
  2. Go to the desired question in any feed.
  3. On the left side of an answer, click the Vote Up or Vote Down button.

    The answer with the most votes moves higher in the answer list.

    Note If you are a member of the Administrators or Employees group, votes work with the Find Leaders feature. See Finding Topic Leaders.

What’s Next?

To receive a notification from Pulse, you must be subscribed to the feed where the status update was posted (see Subscribing to Communities and Topics). You must also enable the appropriate Pulse feature in the Notifications tab on the Settings page of your profile (see Editing Your Profile).

If you are responsible for moderating the Pulse feeds that are mapped to your Flare community or if you are just interested in participating in a discussion, you have several options for responding to a question. See Responding to Questions.