IDocument Interface

Information for Developers

The IDocument interface provides access to components associated with an editor document.

[Menu Proxy — Headings — Online — Depth3 ]


  • EditorView CurrentEditorView Gets the current EditorView in focus. See EditorView Enumeration.
  • bool EnableLocks Gets and sets whether locks are enabled in the current document .
  • ISelection Selection Gets the ISelection of the currently selected text. See ISelection Interface.
  • bool ShowChanges Gets and sets whether changes are shown in the current document.
  • bool ShowLocks Gets and sets whether locks are shown in the current document.


  • CheckingIn Occurs when the editor document checks in to source control.
  • Closing Occurs when the editor document is closing.
  • CurrentEditorViewChanged Occurs when the editor view switches focus.
  • EnableLocksChanged Occurs when the editor document EnableLocks property changes.
  • KeyDown Occurs when a key is pressed down while the editor document has focus.
  • KeyUp Occurs when a key is released while the editor document has focus.
  • MouseClick Occurs when the editor document is clicked by the mouse.
  • MouseDoubleClick Occurs when the editor document is double-clicked by the mouse.
  • MouseHover Occurs when the editor document is hovered over by the mouse.
  • MouseMove Occurs when the mouse moves over the editor document.
  • OnContentChanged Occurs when content is changed in the editor document.
  • PreviewKeyDown Occurs before the KeyDown event when a key is pressed while the document has focus.
  • Printing Occurs when the Print or Print Preview command is invoked before the document prints.
  • Saved Occurs when the editor document saves.
  • SavedAs Occurs when the editor document runs the "Save As" command..
  • Saving Occurs before the editor document saves.
  • SavingsAs Occurs before the editor document runs the "Save As" command .
  • ShowChangesChanged Occurs when the editor document ShowChanges property changes.
  • ShowLocksChanged Occurs when the editor document ShowLocks property changes.


  • bool ApplyStylesheet(string) Adds the referenced CSS stylesheet to the working list of styles. Paths may be absolute or relative.
  • void Close() Closes the document.
  • void EndOperation() Ends the current operation.
  • int GetCursorPosition() Returns the linear position of the insertion point. The intial position starts from 0.
  • string GetDocumentText() Returns the document text.
  • string GetDocumentXml() Returns the xml of the document as text.
  • string GetSourceUrl() Returns the url of the editor document.
  • List<ToolStripItem> GetUserPendingContextMenuItems() Returns the list of System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem(s) that are pending to be added to the context menu.
  • XmlDocument GetXmlDocument() Returns the System.Xml.XmlDocument of the document.
  • void InsertDocumentNode(XmlNode, XmlNode, int, bool) Inserts a new System.Xml.XmlNode as a child under the referenced parent node in the DOM. The last boolean parameter determines whether this operation will be reflected in the Flare Track Change system.
  • void LookupVariableValue(string, string) Returns the value of the given variable set and name.
  • void RemoveDocumentNode(XmlNode, bool) Removes an existing System.Xml.XmlNode from the DOM. The last boolean parameter determines whether this operation will be reflected in the Flare Track Change system.
  • bool RemoveStylesheet(string) Removes the referenced CSS stylesheet to the working list of styles. Paths may be absolute or relative.
  • void ReplaceDocumentNode(XmlNode, XmlNode, bool) Replaces an existing System.Xml.XmlNode with a new node in the DOM. The last boolean parameter determines whether this operation will be reflected in the Flare Track Change system.
  • bool Save() Saves the current document. Returns bool indicating success of the operation.
  • void Select(string) Selects the first instance of text matching the search string after the current position of the insertion point.
  • void Select(XmlNode) Selects the matching System.Xml.XmlNode.
  • void SetCursorPosition(int) Sets the position of the insertion point to the specified value.
  • void StartOperation(string) Starts a new operation. All changes within a StartOperation and EndOperation call will be bundled into one undoable operation in Flare's undo/redo stack.
  • void UpdateView() Refreshes the document.