Viewing Current Issues

After opening a Flare project, the project can be scanned for possible issues by opening the Summary window pane. From the Summary window pane, you can double-click any of the issue rows. Doing this opens the appropriate window pane in the interface so that you can see more information about the reported issues and take action (e.g., fix broken links).

How to View Current Issues

  1. After opening a project, select the Analysis ribbon. In the Dynamic Reports section, click the Summary button. When you do this, the Summary window pane opens automatically, listing any issues in your project. You can also perform a manual scan of the project by clicking in the local toolbar of the Summary window pane.

    An example of a summary report that lists issues in a project.

    This window pane displays the kind of issue that has been uncovered. It might be a "critical" issue displayed in a red font (such as a broken link or undefined style) that you should fix as soon as possible. Otherwise, it might be an "informative" issue (such as a suggestion for a new style), which might be a good change to consider, but not necessarily urgent.

  2. Double-click any row to open the appropriate window pane to deal with the issue.

    For example, if you double-click the broken links row, the Broken Links window pane opens. If you double-click the new style suggestions row, the New Style Suggestions window pane opens.

If you want to see all of the issues for a particular file, you can do so in the File Issues Viewer. See Viewing Issues for Specific Files.