Inverting Hotspot Images

There are certain features in Flare that use special hotspot images (e.g., drop-down and expanding text effects). Flare's default images for these features are designed to work with left-to-right (LTR) outputs. If you are using a right-to-left (RTL) language, Flare automatically inverts the default images so that they make sense for that direction.

Example You have an English project with drop-down effects, like this:

If you look at the same topic in an Arabic project, it will look like this:

This inversion occurs in any of the following features that use hotspot images.

This is also done in HTML5 skins and Standard skins for any items that use images where background settings can be specified. See HTML5 Skin Styles and Standard Skin Styles.

Note Custom images that you create and add are not inverted.