Text Hyperlinks

A text hyperlink is one of the most basic forms of a link. It is simply a hyperlink applied to text. When an end user clicks the hyperlink in the output, the location specified in the hyperlink opens. The location can be another topic in the project, a place in the current file (such as a heading or bookmark), or a file outside of the project (such as a website or PDF on the internet). In general, text hyperlinks are recommended for links that point to locations outside of your project (e.g., to a website) or to a location in the project when you want particular text for the link (e.g., "click here"). On the other hand, cross-references are recommended for links that point to locations within the project (e.g., from one topic to another, or a place within the same topic) when you want the link text to be automatically applied.

Note You can use the built-in analysis tool and reports to find broken links. See Viewing Broken Links and Reports.