
Generating a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) from micro content is something you might want to do in your project. Flare's FAQ proxy is an obvious choice for this. However, that proxy is really designed to be integrated into topic output only, not search results. So in order to add FAQs to search results, you can use a Knowledge proxy instead.

Display Static FAQs in Topics


Desired Characteristics

  • Static (i.e., compiled at build time)

  • Displays in topic content

  • Displays predetermined content

  • Structured for rich results on Google

  • Filter 1: Pulls from only certain micro content files

  • Filter 2: Uses all micro content phrases

Note Not all of the characteristics above are mandatory to accomplish the results you might want. They are simply the characteristics we selected for this example.


  1. Create a micro content file containing questions for your phrases and corresponding responses (see Creating Micro Content). In our example, we have done this in a file called "FAQs.flmco."

    Note Although a phrase can also have alternate phrases, only the main phrase will be used in the output generated from an FAQ proxy. If you have an alternate phrase that you want to be used instead, you can right-click it and select Set as Main Phrase.

  2. Open a topic (or template page) and place your cursor where you want the generated FAQs to display. Select Insert > Proxy > FAQ Proxy.

  3. In the FAQ Proxy dialog, click in the Proxy Title field and enter Frequently Asked Questions. This is optional, but we'll do it in this example. In the first filter, select Specific micro content files and select the micro content file containing the FAQ phrases (in our case, FAQs.flmco). Leave the second filter field set to All micro content. Finally, select Generate FAQ structured data. This will structure the topic metadata so that it is possible (though not guaranteed) that Google might add the FAQs as a rich result when people perform a search that matches the content. Click OK when finished.

  4. Click Save the active file. to save your work.


Note By default, the content generated from an FAQ proxy will display in drop-downs. This can be changed in the skin (or in a unique skin component that can be associated with the proxy).

Display Dynamic FAQs in Search Results


Desired Characteristics

  • Dynamic (i.e., uses search engine in output)

  • Displays in search results

  • Displays best matches

  • Filter 1: Pulls from only micro content associated with certain meta tags

  • Filter 2: Uses the search query

Note Not all of the characteristics above are mandatory to accomplish the results you might want. They are simply the characteristics we selected for this example.


This example begins the same as the previous one, by creating a micro content file containing FAQ phrases and responses. Once this is done, continue with the following steps.

  1. Create a new custom topic to hold search results (rather than using the built-in page from Flare). In this example, we named our topic "Search-Results.htm."

  2. In that topic, remove the placeholder text and add a responsive layout.

    Note A responsive layout isn't mandatory, but it helps us get the structure we want in the output, with the regular search results on the left and the micro content on the right.

  3. In the left cell of the responsive layout, insert a Search Results proxy (Insert > Proxy > Search Results). Then, place your cursor in the right cell, and select Insert > Proxy > Knowledge Proxy.

  4. In the Knowledge Proxy dialog, click in the Proxy Title field and enter Frequently Asked Questions. This is optional, but we'll do it in this example. In the first filter, select Specific micro content files and select the micro content file containing the FAQ phrases (in our case, FAQs.flmco). Then, in the second filter field, select Search query. Finally, set Limit number of results to 4. Even though we have more FAQs than that, we want only the top four matches to display. Click OK when finished.

    In our example, the responsive layout in the topic is designed to use two-thirds of the space on the left for the regular search results, and one-third of the space on the right for the micro content (i.e., FAQs).

    Note If you have a template page that also contains a responsive layout, you might want to create a unique template page just for the custom search results topic. That template page should have just the Topic Body proxy in it. That way, you won't experience extra empty space on the side when users see the search results page in the output.

  5. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

What Happened

The user searched the term "dog." Flare found three micro content phrases using that word, so it displayed only those responses in the search results.

Micro Content File
