Mimic Movie Links

If you have MadCap Mimic installed, you can create videos to be displayed in the output format of your choice—HTML5, Mimic Movie Format (MMF), Microsoft Silverlight, or Adobe Flash.

After creating a Mimic movie, you can insert a link to it. The movie will open and play in the appropriate window (e.g., movies generated in MMF are viewed in the MadCap Movie Viewer). After you insert a movie link, a small movie frame icon displays next to it. You can insert movie links into topics, tables of contents, or browse sequences. For more information see Inserting Mimic Movie Links in Content Files, Inserting Mimic Movie Links in TOCs, and Inserting Mimic Movie Links in Browse Sequences.

For more information not provided here—such as details on the different movie output formats—see the MadCap Mimic online Help.

Note When you insert a Mimic movie link, the appropriate movie files are not copied to your project's content files. Instead, they are automatically copied to the output files when you generate the target.