Stylesheet (CSS) Variables

You also might hear about CSS variables. These are not the same as the regular variables that are stored in the Project Organizer. Instead, CSS variables are created in a stylesheet. But like regular variables, CSS variables can be used to create information in one place and then re-use it in many places. In the case of CSS variables, you specify a style value once and then insert that variable in any style properties where you want to use it. See CSS Variables.

CSS Variables and Branding

CSS variables are the foundation of branding functionality. The Start New Project Wizard and the Branding Editor group together certain CSS variables (e.g., logo, hero image, font, color palette) that relate to branding. The branding values you identify in the Branding.css file are those associated with those CSS variables in the project. If you start your project with the wizard, the CSS variables are automatically linked to various places throughout the project where they point to the branding stylesheet. See Branding.