Specifying Frame Borders

You can add borders around a frame. This might be useful, for example, if you want a line to run across the bottom of the header on a page. For PDF output, you can also make the borders rounded by using border radius properties. For more information see Page Layouts and Editing Pages.

How to Add Borders to a Frame

  1. Open the page containing the frame.
  2. Double-click the frame. The Frame Properties dialog opens.
  1. Select the Borders tab.
  2. Set the options in the Borders section.
    1. Click in any of the individual fields (Left, Right, Top, Bottom) to specify the settings for the border. If you click the down arrow to the right of all the fields, the settings will be applied to all of the border fields.

      When you click that down arrow or in one of the individual fields, a small popup displays.

    2. Use the lower-left area of the popup to enter a number for the border thickness.
    3. Use the lower-middle area to select a unit of measurement (e.g., point, pixel, centimeter) for the number you entered. See Units of Measurement.
    4. Use the upper-right area to select a color for the border.
    5. Use the lower-right area to select a line type (e.g., solid, double, dashed) for the border.
    6. Click OK.
  3. If you want the frame to have rounded corners, set the options in the Border Radius section. This is supported only in PDF output.

    1. Click in any of the individual fields (Top-Left, Top-Right, Bottom-Right, Bottom-Left) to specify the settings for a particular corner of the frame. If you click the down arrow to the right of all the fields, the settings will be applied to all of the fields.

      When you click that down arrow or in one of the individual fields, a small popup displays.

      This popup has two halves. You can complete only the left side of the popup if you like. This will create a curve that is equal horizontally and vertically. If you want a border to have more of a curve either horizontally or vertically, you can complete the fields in the right half of the popup as well, so that you have two values (e.g., 10px 15px) instead of one. For more information on using two sets of border radius properties, see css3.info/preview/rounded-border/.

    2. Use the lower-left area of the popup to enter a number for the amount of curve. The greater the number, the more curve that is applied.
    3. Use the area to the right of the number field to select a unit of measurement (e.g., point, pixel, centimeter).
    4. If you want to provide a second value for the rounded border, complete the same fields on the right half of the popup.
    5. Click OK.
  4. In the Frame Properties dialog, click OK.
  5. Click Save the active file. to save your work.

Note Microsoft Word output does not support frame borders.