EPUB Output

Developed and maintained by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF), EPUB is an online format for creating reflowable digital books (ebooks). For additional information about this group and the EPUB format, see http://idpf.org/.

EPUB is sort of a hybrid format. The output is designed to be viewed electronically; in that way, it is like an online format. On the other hand, its structure is like a book or manual; in that way, it is like a print-based format. In fact, you can follow many of the same steps for creating PDF output to produce EPUB output. See Print-Based Output.

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Following are some of the features of the EPUB format in Flare:

  • Reflowable EPUB output allows for reflowable content, such as word wrap and resizeable text. Therefore, the content can be displayed optimally on different devices.
  • Single File You only need to distribute a single EPUB file, rather than a collection of files and folders.

    Note If you extract the EPUB file using another tool, you will find that it contains one or more XHTML files. If you have used chapter breaks in the outline TOC (see Specifying Chapter and Page Layout Breaks), a new XHTML file is created at each point where a chapter break occurs. If you do not use chapter breaks, the EPUB contains just one XHTML file.

  • Embedded Metadata In the EPUB target you can provide information such as a title, author, publisher, rights, ISBN, identifier, which become embedded in the final output. The document title you provide will usually be displayed at the top of the EPUB reader. If you do not provide a title, the target name will automatically be used instead. See Specifying EPUB Options.

    For more information about EPUB metadata and the fields supported in Flare (except "Tag"), see:

  • Embedded Fonts Flare includes all of your used fonts in the final EPUB output file. Therefore, if someone has a reader that does not have your fonts installed, that person will still be able to see your content as you designed it.
  • Cover Page You can use the Target Editor to quickly and easily select an image file to be used as the cover for your ebook. See Specifying EPUB Options.
  • Validate EPUB Output You can validate EPUB output so that it will be acceptable to most online stores, such as amazon.com. See Specifying EPUB Options.
  • MOBI Output MOBI is the standard format used for the Amazon Kindle. You can use settings in the Target Editor in Flare to generate EPUB output that uses MOBI content. See Specifying EPUB Options.
  • MathML to PNG Conversion If you use the Equation Editor to insert equations, you are in essence creating MathML markup (see Equations). This type of content is supported for EPUB output. If you need to produce output that can be displayed on older readers, you can select an option in the Target Editor to convert all of your MathML content to PNG image files. See Specifying EPUB Options.
  • Enable or Disable Dynamic Content Per Target If you use dynamic content—togglers, popups, drop-downs, expanding text, slideshows, or help controls—in your output, you may want to enable dynamic content for your EPUB target so your users can take advantage of these features. Likewise, you may want to disable dynamic content if your users are using an e-reader that does not fully support dynamic content. See Specifying EPUB Options.
  • Select Reader to View Output From the Builds window pane, you can select a specific EPUB reader (if you have more than one installed) to view the output. See Viewing Output.

Reading Systems

EPUB output can be viewed on many kinds of software and hardware, across many platforms. Following are just a few examples of reading systems for EPUB output:

  • Amazon Kindle (MOBI)
  • Barnes & Noble Nook
  • Bluefire Reader (Android, iOS)
  • EPUBReader (Firefox)
  • Duokan (Kindle)
  • iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch
  • Lexcycle Stanza (iOS, Windows, Mac OS X)
  • Mobipocket (Windows, Blackberry, Symbian, Windows Mobile)
  • Sony Reader

Important Some readers handle EPUB output and respect your formatting better than others.

What’s Noteworthy?

Note Performance issues with EPUB may be caused by not having page or chapter breaks in your files, thus causing the output to consist of a single long document instead of several shorter ones. Other issues may arise due to rendering problems with different e-readers. See troubleshooting tips regarding EPUB.