
Lingo lets you use a concordance to perform advanced searches in one or more translation memory (TM) databases. You can also search suggestions from machine translation (MT) providers. This means you can search for words you've already translated to maintain consistency. The concordance searches the TM and suggestions from MT; in contrast, the search filter in the Translation Editor looks only in the current file.

Concordance Search Window Pane

To use the concordance, first open the Concordance Search window pane (View > Concordance Search).

By default, the window pane opens on the right side of the interface. It contains search fields as well as some advanced options for further refining your search. The search results are displayed at the bottom of the window pane.

Search Fields

There are two search fields in the Concordance Search window pane. Each of these fields has a drop-down that lets you select either the source or target, depending on what you want to be the focus of the searchthe original language or the translation language.

The primary reason for having two fields has to do with the equal and not-equal buttons in each field. This lets you look for segments that contain a particular word or phrase (equal sign is used), but to exclude segments that have another word or phrase, thus narrowing the search results.


You are translating the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty from English to Spanish, and you already have some translations in TM. If you want to find all segments in the source language that contain the word "Humpty," you would select Source in the first field, enter the word Humpty and click Search. The equal sign is left in its original state.

Now suppose you want to refine your search so that it excludes all source segments that contain the word "wall." So in the second field, you select Source, click the equal button so that it changes to "not equal," enter the word wall, and click Search. The search results now show fewer segments, because one of the segments in the previous search contained the word "wall."

You can use the Reset button to clear the search fields, returning them to the default settings.

Advanced Options

If you want to make an even more detailed search, you an expand the Advanced Options area and use any of the following:

Regular Expression

Regular expressions (also referred to as regex or regexp) are similar to wildcards in that they let you find matching strings of text. However, they are more powerful than wildcards.To use regular expressions in the Concordance Search window pane, expand Advanced Options and select Regular Expression. Then enter the regular expression in the second search field.


Matches any lowercase letter


Matches any uppercase letter


Matches any decimal digit


Matches any non-digit


Matches any white-space character


Explicit quantifier

For example, a{3} finds "aaa"



For example, gray|grey finds "gray" or "grey"


Logical grouping


0 or 1 of previous expression; forces minimal matching when expression might match several strings within a search string

For example, reg(ular expressions?|ex(p|es?) finds "regular expression," "regular expressions," regex, regexp, or "regexes"

For more examples and information about regular expressions, see the following:

Important You can only use regular expressions in the second search field with reference to whatever is in the first search field. The reason for this is that the TM databases don't support regular expressions, so what you're actually doing is filtering the results of the first search field.

Note Lingo supports only .NET Framework regular expressions. For more information, see:


Case Sensitive

If you want Lingo to respect uppercase and lowercase characters in your concordance search, expand Advanced Options and select Case Sensitive. Case-sensitive searches can only be used with =, not with ≠.

TMs to search

If you expand the Advanced Options area, you will see which TM databases are connected to the current Lingo project. You can click any check boxes to include or exclude a database in the search.

Searching Machine Translated Suggestions

If you are using MT, you can use the concordance to search any of the suggestions your MT provider has returned. The process for searching remains the same, but you must first allow the MT to be used in concordance searching.

How to Enable the MT in Concordance Searches

  1. Select File > Options. The Options dialog opens.

  2. Click the Machine Translation tab.
  3. If you have not already done so, enter your authentication credentials for the MT provider(s) you want to use. See Setting Machine Translation Options.

  4. To enable to the MT in concordance searches, select Use MT in concordance searching.
  5. Click OK.

After you have enabled the MT for concordance searches, you can enter any word in the concordance search window pane, and if it appears in a machine translated suggestion, the translation will appear in the window pane.