Importing Termbase Files

If you have created a termbase in Lingo, you can import terms into it. You can import terms from TermBase eXchange (TBX), comma-separated value (CSV), or Microsoft Excel (XLS or XLSX) files.

  • TBX Approved by the Localization Industry Standards Association (LISA) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), TBX is an open, XML-based international standard used for exchanging structured terminological data. One difference between a TBX file and a Translation Memory eXchange (TMX) file is that a TBX file handles multiple languages, whereas a TMX file handles only two languages.
  • CSV CSV is a plain text file format that uses line breaks to separate characters. It is supported by common applications such as Microsoft Excel. While a TermBase eXchange (TBX) file is the standard for compiling termbases, you can use a program like Excel to build and maintain your termbase, and then import it to Lingo using CSV.
  • XLS or XLSX XLS and XLSX are spreadsheet files supported by Microsoft Excel. While a TermBase eXchange (TBX) file is the standard for compiling termbases, you can use a program like Excel to build and maintain your termbase, and then import it to Lingo using XLS or XLSX.

How to Import a Termbase

  1. Select Resources > Import Termbase.
  2. Next to the Termbase File field, click The browse ellipsis button opens to more options..

    The Select TBX file to import dialog opens, where you can locate a TBX, CSV, or Excel file.

  3. Select the file and click Open.
  4. From the Destination Termbase drop-down, select the termbase to which you want to import the fields in the TBX, CSV, or Excel file.
  5. Click Start Import.

    If you are importing a CSV or Excel file, the Column Mapping dialog opens.

How to Set Column Maps

  1. From the Term Property drop-down, select the metadata you want to assign to the values in each column.

  2. From the Reference drop-down, select the language to associate with each column.

  3. (Optional) If you want to use the first row of the spreadsheet as headers in your termbase, select Use first row as column headers.
  4. Click OK.

What’s Noteworthy?

Note Lingo supports TBX-Basic files (not the Full version).

What’s Next?

After importing a TBX, CSV, or XLS file to a termbase, you can insert the terms from the file into your translation work. See Inserting Terms From a Termbase.

You can also make further edits to the terms. See Editing Termbases.