Adding a Translation Memory Database

You can add as many translation memories (TMs) as you need. For example, you might use one TM for Client A, a different TM for Client B, and yet another for Client C. When you add a TM, it can be used in any of your Lingo projects.

Adding a TM is different from creating one. While creating a TM generates a new, empty database, adding a TM takes one that already exists on your computer, network, or server and adds it to the list of available TMs in Lingo. This is useful if you had removed a TM from the list of available databases, but you need to use it again.

How to Add a Translation Memory Database

  1. Select the Resources ribbon. In the Translation Memory section, select Choose TM.

    The Manage Translation Memory dialog opens.

  2. Click .
  3. From the submenu, select one of the following:

    • Local Select this option if you want to select a TM that resides on your computer or network. Next to the Select existing Translation Memory field, click Browse. A dialog opens where you can locate the TM. Click Open.
    • Server Select this option if you want to use a TM that resides on your SQL Server. This opens a dialog with fields for the name, server, and security information related to the database.

      Note If you do not already have SQL Server Express installed and you try to install a server termbase or server translation memory, Lingo will prompt you to install SQL Server Express 2012. This version of SQL Server Express is supported on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2,. However, it is not supported on Windows 8. If necessary, you can manually install another version of SQL.

      To download and install the latest version of SQL Server Express, go to:

    For a server TM, locate the TM you want to use on the server. Next to the Translation memory server field, click Browse. The Select Database dialog opens, displaying a list of usable servers after Lingo scans your network. On the right side of the dialog, available databases display. Select the database you want to use, then click OK. The name of the database appears in the Translation memory name field. In the Authentication section, you can use Windows Integrated Security (the default), or you can enter a specific user name and password for the server (if necessary). If you elect to use Windows Integrated Security, leave the user name and password fields blank. Otherwise, if your server requires specific credentials, enter them in the fields provided. If you want to create a new server TM instead of using an existing TM, click Create New Server TM. See Creating a Translation Memory Database.

  4. After completing the fields in the appropriate dialog, click OK.

What’s Next?

After adding a TM, you can use it to translate your project. See Applying Translation Memory Suggestions

You can also import a Translation Memory eXchange file (TMX) into your TM. See Importing TMX Files.