Cropping Images

After you capture an image, you may decide that you want to use only a portion of that image. You can crop (cut a portion of) the image to keep the part you want and discard the part that you don't want.

How to Crop an Image Using Canvas Boundaries

  1. Open the image you want to crop.
  2. Click a handle and drag it to the desired position to crop the image to its new size.

  3. Click to save your work.

    Tip If you are unsure of whether or not you are ready to finalize your image, make sure Discard History is unchecked. If Discard History is on while you crop, you will not be able to restore your full image, even if you uncheck it after cropping.

    Note If Discard History is disabled (unchecked), your image history will display with a semi-transparent overlay in place any time you crop using the image boundaries.

    Note If Discard History is disabled (unchecked), you can click Edit > Restore Image Size to restore the image to its most recent maximized size at any time.

    Note If Discard History is disabled (unchecked), the original image is saved even after you crop and save. You can adjust the crop area by opening the image again and performing the same steps. See Working With Image History.

How to Crop an Image Using the Crop Option

  1. Open the image you want to crop.
  2. Select Edit > Crop Image, or in the local toolbar click .

    An orange rectangle appears around the entire image, the cursor changes to an intersecting black "crosshairs," and the Capture Editor's local toolbar changes to include only the Warnings button, the Hand Mode button, and crop-specific functions (Crop, Cancel, Restore, and Discard History). See Capture Editor and Using the Hand Mode.

  3. Click and drag the handles of the orange rectangle to reposition it over the part of the image that you want to keep.

    Tip Use the zoom/scale buttons at the bottom of the Capture Editor to enlarge the view of the image to better see and adjust the crop area. See Using the Zoom/Scale Feature.

  4. (Optional) In the local toolbar of the Capture Editor, you can click the Maximize Crop button to restore the crop handles to the edges of the original picture.
  5. In the local toolbar of the Capture Editor, click the Crop button .

  6. (Optional) In the local toolbar of the Capture Editor, you can click the Cancel button to cancel the crop action at any time.
  7. Click to save your work.