Adding Text

You can add text to an image by drawing a shape, clicking on it, and typing. You can also use the properties dialog for the shape.

If you want the text to appear by itself, you can edit the properties of the shape accordingly so that the shape cannot be seen (e.g., specify no border or color for the shape). Otherwise, the shape will be shown with the text inside.

[Menu Proxy — Headings — Online — Depth3 ]

How to Add Text

  1. Open an image containing an object that allows text (e.g., rectangle, bubble callout).
  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click on the object and start typing the content. Click off the object when you are finished.
    • Double-click the object. In the Rich Text tab of the properties dialog, type and format the content. Alternatively, you can use the Font tab in the properties dialog to set the font properties. The Font tab applies the format properties to all of the text in the shape, whereas the Rich Text tab applies the format properties only to selected text in the shape. Click OK when you are finished.

  3. (Optional) If you want the object to resize automatically when you edit the text, select the Rectangle tab of the properties dialog, then select Auto-size to fit text.

    Note If you enter text that is too long to fit inside the object and Auto-size to fit text is disabled, you will see a red plus where the text is cut off. This lets you know that you need to manually resize the shape to fit the text. Click the plus to see the text in its entirety. See Setting the Rectangle Properties for an Object.See .

  4. Click to save your work.

Note You can later edit the text if necessary by following these same steps, even after you have saved the image. This is possible because Capture works with a separate properties (.props) file next to the image file, rather than merging the text into the image.

Note You can pin fonts from the [Font Family] field. This is a way to limit the list of fonts to those that you use the most and hide from view those that you do not use. See Pinning Fonts.

What’s Next?

If necessary, you can continue editing the image (e.g., adding objects, effects, a border, a callout; cropping the image; resizing the image). Otherwise, you can finalize the image by saving it. See Editing Images.